Talk of the town (Chapter Sixteen)

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Today was Friday and for some reason school was open the next day. Not only that, but Quoke and Pulse was the talk of town. Seems like we had half of the school who rooted for us and even showed up wearing some shirts with our symbols on them. Kate seemed to have grown a crush for Pulse. Quoke seemed to have at least half the cheerleaders on his side, wasn't fair if you asked me. And as long as she has a crush on Pulse and not me, I'm sure Karen is cool with it.

"I'm not really cool with it. I have to sit in the same class with her and listen to her talk about how cute Pulse was- how awesome he was and how he took a big fall and this and that." Karen whined.

"Karen. It's not that big of a deal. As long as she doesn't actually know who Pulse is, then everything is chill." I shrugged. After I shrugged, I felt a sharp pain in my back. I winced a little bit and decided to not shrug for the rest of my life.

"Ugh, fine." She sighed.

"Babe, look on the bright side. At least I'm not Quoke. Half of the cheerleaders are in love with him." I grabbed my two books and shut my locker. I look over to Jasahn. "Right?" I asked him. He grabbed his bag from his locker and shut it.

"That's only because the other half of the cheerleaders are head over heels about Pulse." Jasahn replied with a slight laugh.

"Really? Cool..." I mumbled. That was news to me.

"Cool? Okay, sure. It's super cool. It's SO rad. Like, wow." She exclaimed. Yep, I'm in trouble.

"Babe, come on. I'm just joking." I lied. Now, don't get me wrong. I don't like any of the cheerleaders back or anything. It's just cool to have half of the cheerleaders be in love with Pulse. And Pulse is also'm like a walking chick magnet. I turned to Karen and put my arms over her shoulders. "Babe is getting jealouusss..." I sang with a goofy tone.

"Shut uupppp." She whined. I gently pull her forward and kiss her forehead.

"I don't like those Tik-Tok obsessed cheerleaders, babe."

"I know, Jarahn. I know. Let's just stop talking about it." She said. I agree to dismiss it and then Lenahan comes around the corner.

"Hey Jarahn, can I talk to you for a sec?" He asked. I let out a small sigh. I REALLY regret telling him who I am...but I didn't have a choice.

"You guys go ahead. I'll see you later." I give Karen a kiss goodbye and give Jasahn a fist bump and walk towards Lenehan. "Sup?"

"So...I was just letting you know that your secret is completely safe with me, hero to hero. But I was wondering if we could go patrolling one day." He asked with an awkward laugh.

"Mr. L, isn't it against some rule to hang out with students outside of the school?" I asked. I'm sort of annoyed by his question and I'm trying my best to dismiss it in the nicest way possible.

"Yeah, it sort of is...but it's been a dream of mine. You're really an inspiration to me...consider it?"

"Lenehan. I'm sorry, but the answer is no. My team is completed and I'm not adding any more members."

"Don't worry about me joining the team. I just wanna patrol with you guys...just once?" He asked. I looked at him and then looked to the side. I thought hard and then decided to answer.

"Okay. After school, 5pm. Meet us at the TOP of the Trading Center. If you can make your way up there, then you can patrol. But you gotta be there by 5. Or I'll assume you gave up."

"Deal!" He agreed. The bell then rang and we found ourselves rushing to the classroom once again.


"Where'd you go yesterday?" Jason asked. Lenehan and I made it to class and he got started with the lesson immediately.

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