Fun (Chapter Fifteen)

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Jasahn's (Quoke) Point of View:

"Get to the roof, stat." His message read. I was gonna text him back, but knowing Jarahn...he probably already put his phone away. I looked around my class, Ms. George was attending to the other students who were crying and Nick was sitting next to me- I think he's losing his mind.

"So...this is how we die, huh? Why in a school of all places?!" He whispered while he rocked from side to side.

"Nick, don't say that. We're gonna be alright...can you do me a favor though?"

"Favor? A favor!? What can I possibly do for you at this exact moment?!" He whispered angrily.

"Distract them. Find some way to freaking distract them!"

"Why? What for?" My brain scrambled. I had to come up with a good lie, quick!

"I need to sneak my friend's phone from the teacher's desk, so he can text his parents and then I can use the bathroom."

"Oh...okay...the bathroom?! Why would you try to use the bathroom during a time like this?!"

"I have to poop really gets bad under extreme amounts of pressure and stress..."

"Oh...dang man. That sucks, I'll help." He takes a deep breath and suddenly runs over to the rest of the students with his eyes watering. "We're gonna die!" He whispered loudly as he dramatically collapsed into the arms of Ms. George.

"Don't say that, Nick! Calm down." Ms. George says calmly. While Nick was causing a scene, I snuck my way over to the door and placed my hand on it. I concentrated on vibrating the door handle and the lock clicked. I opened it quietly and snuck out. I made sure to vibrate the handle to lock it back and then I was on my way upstairs. I snuck through the halls carefully and then placed my hands on the floor to feel the vibrations of the entire school grounds.

"8 shooters...that's a lot..." I mumbled to myself. The way to the stairs was clear and then I made a break for it.

-Normal 1st Person Omniscient (Jarahn's point of view)

I looked around cautiously. I need a diversion...and then I could sneak right out the door. First, I needed the key from Lenahan, then I needed to return the key and head to the roof. I glanced at his desk- there it was. I looked around to make sure there were no eyes on me and then I snatched it. I hurried back to where I was before anyone could see me, I made sure to play it natural too.

"Okay, now I gotta unlock the door...get out...and slide the key back to them from underneath the door...easy peasy..." I thought. I snuck towards the door and then Lenahan whispered for me.

"Jarahn! Get away from that door!" Lenahan whispered angrily. I sighed to myself and made my way over to him. "What are you doing, man?!"

"I was just seeing if they were making their way over here..." I lied.

"But if they see you, this room becomes a target..."

"I know, I know...but..." I started to lose thought. I have no idea what to do...I have to tell him. "Lenahan...I need to go...I have to..."

"Jarahn...I can't let you leave...I can't. You could die..."

"Link." I whispered quietly.

"Huh...?" He asked. I saw the panic in his eyes.

"Link. I'm Pulse. We fought last week in the street."

"Jarahn...?! You?!" He whispered loudly.

"Shushhh!" I whispered back.

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