Unknown (Chapter Eleven)

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(You will be told when to start the song and when to pause it)

Two days. Two days I called in for my father and told them he was sick. For two days I've trained and trained until I couldn't anymore. For two days I haven't slept. For two days I haven't even been in my own house. I couldn't stand walking around that place knowing that I was the reason my father could be dead...I'm the reason why he's been taken in the first place. Two days...two days...Both days have felt like an eternity. I don't need sleep. What I need is my father. And he's somewhere being tortured...beaten...I need to find him. I need to.


"Then we'll check again! She has to be in the city! She has to be!" I demanded my team.

"Jarahn. We've checked this city eleven times...maybe she's left the city?" Jasahn asked as he removed his helmet.

"Why would she leave the city?! Why would she-.." I drop to my knee and comfort my stomach. I haven't given my ribs any time to rest. They've been causing trouble.

"Jarahn?!" Karen cried. She rushes over to me in a panic and tries to help me to my feet.

"I'm fine! Get off me!" I yelled. She ignored me. She's used to me being a douche.

"We're gonna find him, Jarahn. We will."

"That's what you said yesterday AND the day before. Please stop telling me this when we're not getting any closer...please." I took my mask off my face and rested my hands on the kitchen counter. "Any updates, Lakota?"

"Nothing yet. Jasahn could be right. There honestly could be a chance that they left the city. Went to Kenmore...maybe?" Lakota suggested.

"Kenmore...? Of course...we'll search there! Now!" I demanded.

"Jarahn. It's 12 am and we have school tomorrow. You've already missed three days, man." Jasahn said,

"He's right," Jaden chimed in from the corner of the room. "Your dad may not know what you do...but I'm sure he doesn't want you to fall apart. You should get some rest tonight and head to school tomorrow."

"School is a waste of time! I refuse to let my time be wasted at some shitty facility that teaches us bullshit! I'm not going!" I shouted.

"Jarahn. You're going. That's final."

"You're not my dad! My dad was taken! He was kidnapped! And we're not doing jackshit to help!"

"Jarahn Marques Lowe." Lakota states. I look at her with angry eyes. "You are going to calm down and stop using those words and that tone with us. We're doing nothing, but our best. Don't make us the enemy." I breathed in and out.

"Fine. Fine. Fine." I said, "I'm gonna go shower." I stormed away and headed to the elevator.

"I'm gonna head home. Is the limo charged?" Jasahn asked.

"Yes. Yes, it is. Send your aunt my regards." Lakota said.

"Will do," He exits the base with a wave.

"He's so angry. He hasn't even given himself time to think. He just keeps doing and doing." Karen uttered.

"He needs to rest. It's bad enough that his ribs haven't even healed yet. Lakota, can we just give him the shot?" Jaden asked.

"No! That's too dangerous. I haven't finished working out the bugs in it." She replied quickly. I nod to myself, knowing exactly what I am gonna do. I entered the elevator and headed up to the 2nd floor.

-Meanwhile with Jarahn's father

"Where am I...?" He asked. Spectrum shrugged.

"I don't know. I made sure they didn't tell me." She said,

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