Chapter 3

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I went to meet TJ at his house, with Buffy's words still present in my mind. It got me to think more and more about how I felt.

TJ opened the door and he greeted me with a hug. I was feeling more and more confused, but I tried not to let that show.

"Hey muffin" he greeted "Are you ready to see the movie?"

"Yes Teej, I am" I replied, feeling more uncomfortable.

"Come in then" he instructed.

We went up to his room, where he had the movie ready and had also got some snacks and drinks for us.

"Are you sure you're okay?" he wondered.

"I'm absolutely fine" I insisted "I promise"

"If you say so" he stated "But if you're not..."

"Let's watch the movie" I suggested.

He didn't argue with me and we sat down on his bed. To be honest, I couldn't concentrate on the movie. I was sat down next to someone I quite liked, but I kept thinking about Jonah and how my crush on him went.

It was confusing, I had a crush, got over it, and then rediscovered my feelings, all whilst having a crush on another human being.

I was brought back into the room by TJ tapping me lightly on the shoulder. He looked worried, and that made me a little nervous.

"Something's wrong" he commented "I can tell, so don't try and deny it"

"It's fine, I just..." I struggled "I was thinking about a conversation I had couple of days ago"

"Really? What was it about?" he posed.

"I'm not sure if I'm ready to tell you just yet" I continued.

"Listen, you can tell me" he insisted "Nothing is going to make me angry"

I could tell from the expression on his face that he was being genuine, and that made me feel confident enough to do it.

"At the Shiva, I told Jonah that I'm gay" I explained "Only he, Buffy, Andi and now you, know"

I waited for a second to regain my composure, but TJ looked a little confused by it all. I began to regret saying anything.

"Is something wrong?" I wondered hesitantly.

"No, I'm just wondering" he reacted "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I wasn't ready" I replied "I wanted to tell you, but I was scared you may hate me"

"Are you serious? I could never hate you" he uttered "In fact, I'm gay too"

Whoa, I wasn't expecting him to say that, but I'm glad he did. I no longer felt alone, but then I remembered how I felt about him.

"Really? That's cool" I mumbled.

"I'll be honest, I quite like you" he complimented "I have done for a while"

This was going in a very positive direction, very quickly, but just before I could answer him, my phone went off. Checking the caller ID, I saw it was Jonah.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hi Cyrus" Jonah replied "I... I need to talk to you"

"Right now Jonah?" I responded.

"Yes p-please" Jonah retorted.

I wanted to stay with TJ, but I could hear Jonah crying when he wasn't talking. I knew I would have to go and comfort Jonah, clearly something bad had happened.

"Where are you?" I enquired.

"At home" Jonah clarified "Please come, I need you"

"Okay, I'll see you soon" I agreed "Bye"

"Bye" Jonah rejoined.

After the conversation was over, I turned to TJ, and I noticed that he now looked sad. At this point, I had to be firm but fair.

"Sorry TJ, but Jonah needs to talk to me" I explained "I'll have to speak to you again another time"

"Okay, see you later" TJ sighed.

I walked out of TJ's house and ran to Jonah's, genuinely worried about how my friend was. I'd never heard Jonah cry, but it broke my heart.

Cyrus' Choice - An Andi Mack Story (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now