Chapter 11

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As Jonah left to go and freshen up, I looked at TJ, who was simply staring at me. The silence between us was awkward and that wasn't nice.

After what felt like forever, TJ finally spoke. I was not sure what he was going to say, but I was intrigued.

"So" TJ sighed "How's it going with you?"

"Oh, you know" I replied "I'm just spending time with the two guys I love"

"Yes, I can see that" TJ commented.

"What about you?" I responded.

"I'm okay, would be better if there wasn't all of the awkwardness though" TJ observed.

"I couldn't agree more" I concurred.

TJ kept smiling at me, which was both pleasant and creepy at the same time. I couldn't help but wonder what was going though his mind.

"Have you got any further with your decision?" TJ wondered.

"Not yet" I responded "I'm going to need more time"

"That's okay, I'll be patient" TJ pledged "And I support whatever decision you make"

"Thank you" I mumbled.

At that point, Jonah returned and sat back down in his seat. If I wasn't mistaken, I would say that he had probably been crying.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"No dude, I'm good" Jonah reacted.

I could tell he was lying, because he wasn't looking at me when he spoke. He sniffled, which confirmed that my suspicions were true.

"I don't think you are" TJ said "What's going on?"

"It's nothing really" Jonah muttered.

At that moment I decided that something had to be done. I knew that Jonah wouldn't open up to me whilst we were with TJ.

"TJ, can I talk to Jonah alone for a moment?" I requested.

"Sure, that's okay" TJ retorted.

I grabbed Jonah and took him outside. There wasn't anyone around, so I knew that now was as good a time to talk to him.

"Come on Jonah, I'm not stupid" I stated "What is going on?"

"It's j-just..." Jonah stuttered "I s-see the way h-he... T-TJ looks at you"

"What?" I rejoined "What about the way TJ looks at me?"

"I see how much he cares about you" Jonah whispered "I don't think I can ever match that"

"Jonah, you confuse the hell out of me sometimes" I replied "You always show me how much you care about me"

"But he is clearly better than me Cyrus" Jonah argued "I don't know why I agreed to come. I feel so bad for even believing I had a chance"

"Will you stop it!" I snapped "Listen to me, at the moment, neither of you has an advantage over the other! You have a chance you idiot!"

I couldn't believe that I shouted at him, that was the absolute last thing I should've done and I felt so dreadful. Jonah burst into tears, but he didn't leave just yet.

"J-Jonah, oh my god!" I reacted "I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have---"

"Don't Cyrus" Jonah interrupted "P-please, just don't"

TJ came outside just as Jonah left. I knew this was going to be difficult, but now the situation was too much for me to handle.

"What's wrong with Jonah?" TJ wondered.

"I... I shouted at him" I mumbled.

TJ looked at me with confusion, and presently I had no plans to make a decision. I didn't want any stress.

Cyrus' Choice - An Andi Mack Story (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now