(Part 2) you hang out

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bloody painter

You two did end up meeting again, you saw each other at the grocery store, or, you saw him at the grocers and you ran over

"Helen!" You called out skidded to a stop a foot away from him

"Hm? Oh! (Y/n), it so good to see you again" he greeted smiling

"Likewise! Anyways, how are you?" You asked offering a smile back

You two later got coffee and exchanged numbers


Clockwork had tried to visit but when she got there she saw moving vans leaving and you packing your truck

She ran over when the vans left "(y/n) !" She called out

"Hm, oh clock-o! How are you?" You smiled

"Where are you going?" Clockwork seemed a bit sad

"Oh, i'm not leaving state or anything, i own a ranch, 80 miles out of town" you said "i'm moving to the ranch, to help take care or my grandparents and brother/ sister

"Oh, okay, bye then..." she mumbled

"No! No, i can come to town, we can look for a good meeting place! But since i'm heading to the ranch, i can take you with me, i have horses, so maybe we can go for a ride to talk where we'll meet..." you panicked

"Yeah, that sounds nice" clockwork smiled

"Well then get in!" You chuckled

As you drived to the ranch you played old town road, on loop

jane the killer

You were sitting on your bed reading, when you saw jane crawling through your window

"Hey jane, how are you? Somethin' wrong? You don't normally come in this early" you said as you looked up at jane

"You have glasses?" Jane asked avoiding the question

"Oh, yeah i do, but don't avoid the question" you said as you pointed out her avoiding

"Oh cool, and i-i, was wondering if you wanted to hang out today, and it's dangerous at night" jane said "even though i could probably protect you and you know how to hold your own anyways" she mumbled

"Oh, yeah, that would be fun i'll just get my jacket, do you have a place in mind?" You asked as you opened your closet

"I was thinking of taking a walk, but theres a new coffee shop, we could go there..." jane offered

"That sounds nice, lets go there" you said slipping on your jacket "we could get something warm to drink and take a walk after?"

Jane smiled and nodded, you threw her a jacket "sounds nice" she said as she slipped on the jacket,

Ticci toby

You and toby were doing your daily meetup when he asked you if you wanted to take a walk, which you excepted

You and toby were walkingthrough the forest, him trying to keep up with you since you kept running off chasing butterflies and moths, he was surprised you were still alive when you kept running off out of nowhere


(H/b) - hot beverage

When you woke up you two talked more, then you kept meeting each for a week, now you two were at some cafe just talking to each other, each of you had a plate of one of those pathetic slices of cheescake and warm beverages

You moved your hand to your fork and you knocked your (h/b) over yourself

"Damnit" you mumbled as you stood up to go get napkins
Maskie got up and handed you his jacket

"Come on i'll walk you home" he offered a smile on his voice

He did indeed walk you home but left before you could return the jacket


You were asleep on your couch, just sleepin, and then hoodie came in and poked your exposed stomach, you curled in on yourself and let out an unearthly yowl, you fell off the couch

"Betrayaaaaal~" you howled as you crawled up

You heard a chuckle and then felt arms pick you up and set you on the couch

"Want to watch a movie or something, miss/mister lazy potato" hoodie chuckled

"Yeees" you said throwing your hands up

"You remeber your tv is in your room?" Hoodie reminded you

"Carry meee" you whined as you yawned

"Alright then potato princess" hoodie laughed before picking you up and walking upstairs, he basically threw you on the bed, you rolled into the blankets

"Star wars episode 3! Star wars episode 3! Star wars episode 3!" You chanted

"Alright then" hoodie walked from the room soon returning with revenge of the sith

You recited the entire movie with the movie not missing a beat, hoodie was kinda scared to be honest, also considering that you could perfectly replicate the voices as well

Homicidal liu /sully

After the initial heart attack of seeing you in full knight armour and sword, you two got along well,

You were sitting on the couch when liu walked down the stairs

"(y/n), whats for dinner" liu asked as he setteld himself beside you on the couch

"Ribs are in the instapot" you replied

"Wanna like, play a game? " liu asked awkardly

"Sure, what game, darling?"

"Chess?" Liu asked "really? Chess? Liu your so booring" sully cut in "shut up, sully" liu grumbled

"We can play chess!" You giggled

Liu lost and sully also tried and lost and tried to kill you

Sorry for awkward dialogue and stuff,
(Dialogue turned to dio lunge when i tried to correct it)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2020 ⏰

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