Chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning, wearing nothing but my underwear and one of Dally's old t-shirts. It smelt like smoke, along with his own scent. Call me crazy, but it turned me on.

I got out of Dally's bed and put my clothes from yesterday back on.

"Storm?" Dally's groggy voice inturrepted my thoughts.

I spun around and and straightened out my tank top. "Oh sorry babe, I tried not to wake you."

"Well maybe a kiss would make up for it?" He smirked, making my heart race.

I crept onto the bed and we kissed for what seemed like just a split second. I was pretty sure that Dallas had caught onto the fact that his messy hair in the morning turned me on, because he always liked to get me all wound up before I had to leave. He thought it was fun to mess with me.

"I gotta go." I laughed a little, gettig off the bed and fixing my cupcake pink hair. Lemme tell you, it was hard to find that color. I had to look forever.

"Alright, I love you." Dally said.

"Love you too." I yelled back, then walked home.

The air was warm and the sun was already shining bright, covering all of Tulsa in a sheet of bright light and fresh air. Though, the wind did threaten to take over and make the air colder than I wanted. My black biker boots hit the pavement in a conststant, organized manner. Beat after beat after beat. I didn't wanna go home, but I had no choice. Plus, I wanted to be able to spend time with my dad. I couldn't allow Ian to ruin my whole life.

I stepped into my house and made a right turn into the kitchen. My parents, Mandy, and Ian were all sitting and eating pancakes. My mom offered me some with a fake smile on her face. Just the sight of Ian made me lose my appetite though, so I said no.

"Storm, we're gonna go out to a nice resturaunt later, okay? So, just be ready." My father said.

No one ever bothered to ask where I had been last night because I ran off like that all the time. Of course, if my parents knew that I was having sex with my boyfriend all those nights that I ran off, I don't think they would be so laid back about it. They knew I was with Dally, but as far as they knew, I was still a virgin. They still had no clue that I was on birth control either.

***** Later At Dinner *****

The waitress delivered our food and the friendly conversation started.

"How's school going, Storm?" My dad asked me.

"It's going." I smiled slightly.

"Are you still painting, Storm? I remember how good you used to be. Of course, that was when you would actually show me your work." Ian asked.

"I do, but I just don't share my work with scumbags." I said, staring right into his green eyes.

"Storm Richards!" My mom yelled. I felt as if everyone in the dimly-lit resturaunt was staring at us.

"It's fine, Amy, don't worry about it." Ian cut in.

"No it is not alright! She has to treat you with respect!" My mom continued.

Then I got the cold shoulder for the rest of dinner, then I got screamed at in the car by my mom and dad, and then I got sent up to my room for the rest of the night.

I guess the details are blurry to you. And I'm guessing you don't like being in the dark. So, I'll tell you exactly what went down between Ian and I. But before I do, I have to tell you that it's not a pleasant story.................

A/N: Haha cliffhanger! Don't hate me! Anywho, the picture is of Ian. Sorry this chapter was so short, but I'm tired and after I save a draft, I always lose my train of thought and have to start over again. Thanks for reading! Please comment and let me know what you think!

I'm Not Running Away ~ A Dallas Winston Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now