Halloween (Part 1)

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It's been a few weeks since he challenged Riddle, and he refused to acknowledge or look at Harry at all, even if Riddle seemingly paid him no mind he was under constant surveillance by his followers. Malfoy always seemed to be around the corner causally eating a green apple, or Black glaring from behind as he pretended to go where Harry and, typically, also Tiernan was going. It was beyond annoying, one moment he and Tiernan are laughing about something, the next they were solemnly quiet and glaring at an opposing figure, daring them to open their mouth and say something. They never did. Hell, Black hasn't even tried to fix his wand yet, he only took the shame of having pink spells and glared intently at Harry when he was reminded of it.

Harry tried to brush it off, but Black was a Black and he couldn't but sometimes imagine this was Sirius. When he found himself trying to think of Black as Sirius, he would try to remind himself that Sirius was dead, even if he befriended Black he would still be dead. Sometimes it was hard to remember and he would look at Black and see the younger form of his Godfather. The illusion never stayed and Harry would always recall who he was really looking at, a Slytherin that may be like Sirius in some ways, but wasn't him.

Harry had to remember that a few times, but for other people. For example, a Weasley in Gryffindor at the moment and the first time Harry saw him he almost tripped over air. No one noticed, not even Tiernan that was caught up in a tangent about his father. It was hard to accept the people around him weren't the people he once knew, the Weasley looked startlingly too much like Percy but Harry just had to remember he wasn't Percy. Harder said than done when your heart skips a beat when you're walking in the halls at a flash of red hair and you look up force yourself to be met with disappointment.

"Harry, lighten up," Tiernan interrupted his thought process, he was lounging in a chair in the Slytherin Common room, one hand daintily holding a teacup, "It's Halloween, breakfast will be soon and the celebrations will start."

"Ha, yeah celebrate," Harry solemnly said, expression dark and stained. Celebrate what? The death of Lily and James Potter? The people who haven't even been born yet?

"Are you not the party type?" Tiernan frowned as he shifted his legs to where they were crossed, "With how you like talking to Charlus I thought you would love parties."

"I like spending my Halloween alone," Harry quietly said after a moment, "I'm going to most likely sneak off later tonight."

"Well, it better be later. 'Cuz let me tell you, breakfast is going to be great," Tiernan smirked and raised his teacup to his mouth for a sip, "FUCK- owww it wasn't cold enough," Tiernan sputtered and nearly dropped his cup, but quickly pushed it on a small table where it wobbled for a moment. Fanning his mouth he breathed deeply and made a low whining sound, "Fuck me, I'm not even going to be able to taste breakfast."

"Burnt taste buds?" Harry faintly smiled and shook his head.

"Fucking bastard, don't smile this is serious," Tiernan scolded as he continued fanning his mouth, "I wanna taste food tonight, we only get the feast a few times a year."

"Could try a healing spell," Harry suggested, shifting in his chair as he rested his elbows on the arm rests, "I can try one on you."

"Fuck that," Tiernan moaned dramtically throwing his head back as he put a hand to his forehead, "I'll just suffer, suffer trapped in this stupid fleshbag of a body."

"Fleshbag? Nice wording," Harry complimented as he thrummed his fingers on the armrest.

"I know right!" Tiernan beamed, still holding the dramatic pose, "I read it in one of those fantasy books."

"Which one?" Harry asked, as Tiernan dissolve the pose and take a more relaxed stance back.

"Don't remember, it was my sisters," shrugged Tiernan glaring suspiciously at his tea cup of steaming tea innocently sitting on the table, "I could ask her, but she doesn't talk to the family now that she's married."

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