Riddle Deserved It.

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Harry was having a restful, and perhaps even restful sleep. His mind was blank, he had no dreams filtering colorful realities that weren't his that he'd mourn in the morning. He had no amount of consciousness to think himself into a hole he'd have to claw his way out of, it was just quiet peace. As everyone should know, if Harry is currently feeling peaceful and having a restful sleep someone must shatter it. That is exactly what happened at six forty-three in the morning, when someone decided to wake Harry up unaware of the alarm spell.

The alarm practically screamed out, a blaring and imposing sound that instantly woke anyone in the room not asleep. Harry darted to a sitting position, as he heard someone in the room scream. His hand already on his hand as he threw his curtains open and aimed it at the person closest, who was holding a wand in a stunned way in front of their chest.

"Whoa! Don't cast anything, it's me!" The voice of Tiernan squawked, "I was just trying to wake you up-"

"God dammit, Lestrange!" The voice of Malfoy shrieked over the alarm, "You idiot! You knew he had an alarm up!"

"Someone just turn that thing off!" Someone else shouted, the Nott boy by the sound of it.

Harry briskly swished his wand and the alarm went silent, that silence made everyone aware of heavy breathing in the room. From the darkness of the room, the silhouette of Tiernan seemed to cringe upon noticing the sound.

"What was that horrendous noise?" Kiwi's tired hiss groaned from Harry's bed, "That was awful, don't do it again."

"Hey! I think we should go, yeah I feel the strongest urge to flee the room!" That was when Lestrange darted out at a surprising speeds and grabbed Harry's arm, "We need to run now," Tiernan hissed, dragging Harry to the door, the Lestrange threw the door open and ran down the hall.

"LESTRANGE!" The voice of Riddle finally screamed in an enraged tone.

Harry started to run with Tiernan instead of being dragged along and the both of them were blurs across the common room, making it to the sliding wall that leads out of the common they passed as soon as there was a large enough gap. Harry could swear he heard the pounding of steps behind him and a spell hitting the wall behind him as they continued to run down the halls of the dungeons. Lestrange guided them around a corner, and another and one after another Harry could sense they got further and further away from the dorms. The further they went the colder it got, and Lestrange must of really been feeling that as he was only wearing pajama pants and an odd sort of tank top. Shivering, Tiernan slowed and stopped them, huffing he let go of Harry's hand and tried to catch his breath.

Harry leaned against the wall and breathed similarly, not as hard as Tiernan but still catching his breath all the same. After a few minutes, Tiernan was quiet for a minute but he then entered an almost hiccupy laughing fit, he didn't sound amused at all, it was almost like he was crying through laughter. 

"Sorry," Tiernan laughed, "I didn't mean to get Tom after us, he won't be mad at you. It's my fucking fault, I was just so excited to have someone to spend the mornings with..."

"Calm down, you're safe at the moment," Harry tried, the whole comforting thing had always been hard. With Ron and Hermione he knew exactly what to say, but Tiernan was very different than the both of them.

"No, I'm not. They're going to hunt me down, I shouldn't have stopped," Tiernan sounded fearful as he leaned his forehead on the wall opposite of Harry, "I shouldn't have dragged you along, I shouldn't... why am I so fucking stupid?" His voice ended with an edge as he lifted his hands into his hair and pulled with some forced, "fucking stupid idiot..."

"Remember what you said last night? Tom's just a dick, you aren't stupid, now come on, I know somewhere safe we can go," Harry gentley suggested, offering a hand that Lestrange latched onto quickly, his nervousness showed with how he squeezed Harry's arm tightly, "Can you run?"

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