Valentine special

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(Damn I'm late for this, and i can't make these type of scene so bear with me pls-)

It was morning everything was normal except that the fact that it is Valentines day, everyone were talking with eachother and giving out chocolates, while two certain shipboys were watching them from afar drinking their beer

S-250V: This is interesting Kamerad I have never seen this event before. He said drinking his beer

Kamodo: Maybe because your always underwater. He said and drinks his beer as well

S-250V: Ah yes that is true. He chuckled

Hood and Wales approaches them and greets them

Kamodo: Guten Morgen Fräulein Hood,Wales. He greeted

S -250V: Guten Morgen Fräulein. He greeted

Hood: Good morning Kamodo,S -250V. She smiles

Wales: Good morning you two. She smiles

Kamodo: What makes you two here?. He asks

Wales: Well Hood here has something to say to you Kamodo. She says giggling while Hood's cheek turned red

Hood: w-well Kamodo I was going to ask you i-if. She stuttered

Kamodo: If what?. He asks

Hood: i-if you want to be my valentine. She says and gave him a chocolate box shaped like a heart, Kamodo spits out his beer his face turned red

Kamodo: p-pardon?. He said blushing a bit

Hood: i-i said would you want to he m-my valentine?. She asks again blushing

Kamodo: uhm well. He looks at S-250V that gave him a thumbs up and a smile

Kamodo: S-sure Hood. He says blushing

S-250V: heheh... ain't this is interesting. He chuckled

Kamodo: oh just shut up S-250V. He says blushing

Wales just giggled at the two while S-250V finished his beer chuckling

S-250V: We should leave them be right Wales?. He says chuckled

Wales: Indeed i agree with you sir S-250V. She chuckles and left with S-250V leaving Kamodo and Hood alone

Kamodo: so.. uhm.. what first?. He asks his cheek still red

Hood: w-well we could go to the café not far from him. She says her face still red

Kamodo nodded in agreement

Kamodo: Sure I guess. He says rubbing the back of his head

She nods as they start to head to the café

As they entered the café they took a seat and ordered some tea

Kamodo: So... how are you?. He asks

Hood: i-I'm fine thank you for asking. She says smiling

Kamodo just chuckled at her reaction

Kamodo: How is the rest of the Royal Navy?. He asks again

Hood: They have been pretty good lately, except for Ark Royal she still stalks Destroyers. She says sighing

Kamodo:.....What?. He asks confused

Hood: I'll explain later on. She says as she sips her tea

Kamodo: Mhm.... alright. He sips his tea

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