Chapter 23

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It now has been 1 months after Toter Dolina and Newcastle's marriage (yes I'm timeskipping it)

The siren attacks has decreased recently which made most of the shipgirls worried

Kamodo is currently talking with Wales about something

Kamodo: So what is it Wales?. He asks

Wales: It's about Hood. She says

Kamodo: Was? What happen to her? Is she okay!?. He asks

Wales: Calm down she is okay Kamodo. She says

Kamodo sighs in relief and looks at her with a serious face

Kamodo: So what is it with Hood?. He asks

Wales: She's been acting strange lately, I just want you to keep an eye on her since you are her...well you know. She says

Kamodo: I shall do that then, thank you for telling me this Wales. He says

Wales: Your welcome Kamodo. She says

Kamodo walked out of the Royal Garden with a concerned look

Kamodo: Hood is acting strange? I don't like where this is going. He thought

He walked to Hood's dorm and knocked on it

Kamodo: Liebe? Liebe are you inside?. He asks

No response from inside which made him worried

Kamodo: Liebe?. He asks and tries to open the door which opened

He looks around and sees Hood on her bed silently sobbing to herself

Kamodo walks up to her and puts his hand on her shoulder

Kamodo: Hood?. He asks

Hood looks at him her face still teary from her crying

Hood: K-Kamodo. She says and hugs him

Kamodo: Hey hey it's fine it's fine, I'm here. He says patting her back

Hood exhales and kept on hugging him

Kamodo sighs and looks at her

Kamodo: Are you okay now?. He asks

Hood nodded a little

Hood: Y-Yes a bit. She says

Kamodo smiles and sighs in relief at her

Kamodo: I'm glad nothing happened to you. He says

Hood: Y-Yeah. She says with a tired voice

Kamodo: You should rest now. He says

Hood nodded and layed down on her bed once more

Kamodo sighs and layed next to her as she silently sleeps

He soon became tired and fell asleep as well

Location: Unknown

Kamodo woke up in a dark place as he looked around

Kamodo: Where the hell am I?. He thought

???: Ah you have finally come~. A voice said

Kamodo looked around frantically trying to find the source of the voice

???: Are you looking for someone~?. The voice asked

Kamodo: Uhh yeah an arschloch that made my Freundin life miserable. He says

???: Hündin. The voice said

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