Chapter 13

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No one's pov

Kamodo and Toter Dolina were still sailing through the cold ice sea trying to find the rest of the Azur Lane fleet

Kamodo: Do you find them on your radar Bruder?. He asks

Toter Dolina was looking out with his binoculars

Toter Dolina: Nein I haven't found any of them. He says sighing

He looks at Kamodo that has a worried look

Toter Dolina: You're worried about her aren't you?. He asks

Kamodo: Jawohl of course I am worried.

Toter Dolina: Do not worry Kleiner Bruder we will find them. He says

Kamodo: I hope you're right. He sighs

The two didn't noticed two high siren watching over them

???: This will be fun, isn't that right Observer?. She asks

Observer: It indeed will Tester, we shall see if they can survive this. She says with a smirk

As she said that a bunch of portal opened up and siren ships came out of it

Kamodo: SIRENS!. He shouted

Toter Dolina: Get ready to battle!. He shouts

The two activates their riggings and charged at the Sirens

Toter Dolina: Die Abschaum!. He shouts

Kamodo: Für Souveran!. He shouted

The two fired a salvo hitting a bunch of siren ships exploding them

Kamodo: Bruder I'll take on the Aircraft Carrier and Battleship's, you take on the Cruiser's and Destroyer's!. He shouted

Toter Dolina nodded and focused his shot at the siren Cruiser's and Destroyer's

Kamodo looked at the Siren Battleship's

Kamodo: Come at me bitch!!. He shouted

He dodged a shot from a Battleship and fired back at the ship

He managed to destroy some of its guns and shot at it again

Another shot from the other Siren Battleship hits him making him groan in pain

Kamodo: These things are stronger than usual... What is happening. He thought

He charged at the other one and at half way the sound of siren planes could be heard

Kamodo looked at the sky and sees a lot of siren planes

He starts shooting them down with his AA and AAA

One by one the planes start to fall down into the cold water like fly's

He dodged another shot from the siren Battleship and charged at the Aircraft Carrier

The Carrier launched some planes to the air but was quickly shot down by Kamodo's AA

He shot a salvo at the Carrier destroying parts of its Flight deck

He fired another salvo destroying the Carrier

He sighs in relief not noticing the other Siren Battleship taking aim at him

Toter Dolina: Bruder aufgepasst!. He shouted

Kamodo looked behind him only to get hit by the siren Battleship

Toter Dolina that had finished all of the siren Cruiser's and Destroyer's shot a salvo at the Battleship's side exploding it

He quickly went over to Kamodo and helps him

The Crystal Fleet (Azur Lane x Battleship Oc's)Where stories live. Discover now