Chapter 28

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Azur Lane base

The Super Heavy Battleship siblings could be seen walking near the academy

Toter Dolina: Und Vestal said Newcastle needs to rest for a bit. He says

Sneg Ad: Could it be a sign?. She asks

Souveran: A sign of what?. She asks her older sister

Sneg Ad: A sign that Mein Nichte und Neffe is coming. She says with a smile

Kamodo: Heilige Scheiße why do you want a Nichte and Neffe so bad schwester. He says

Sneg Ad: Because I want to see if my Geschwister has grown up or no :3. She says

Souveran: Is that even needed??. She asks

Sneg Ad nodded at her with a smile

Souveran rolled her eyes and sighs

Toter Dolina chuckles at the two and calmly hums the Uni Souveran National Anthem

After a short while the four went to the cafeteria to get some food

Kamodo went to Nevada to get some food for his siblings

Nevada: Hello there Kamodo. She greets him smiling

Kamodo: Hey there Nevada. He greets back

Nevada: What's for today? Sausage and eggs?. She asks

Kamodo: Yes and four of them please. He says

Nevada: Coming right up friend. She says and went to prepare his food

Kamodo calmly waits while humming 'Für Souveran'

Nevada soon return with his food

Nevada: Here you go four sausage and eggs. She says

Kamodo: Danke Nevada. He says

Nevada: No problem friend. She says

Kamodo walked back to his siblings and gave them their food

Souveran: Finally after a long day. She says and eats her food

Toter Dolina: Like you even did anything. He says

Souveran: Shuch uph you are ruwining mah mood. She says mouth full of food

Sneg Ad chuckles at the two while Kamodo rolls his eyes

Sneg Ad: Remember no talking with your mouth full kleine Schwester. She says

Souveran swallows her food and sighs

Souveran: Ja Ja Größe schwester. She says

Sneg Ad: Ah yes I forgot to tell something to you. She looks at Souveran

Souveran: Was ist es?. She asks

Sneg Ad: You will be Queen Elizabeth's Slave- I mean you will be accompanying her for a few days. She says smiling

Silence fills the table for a brief second until Souveran screamed

Souveran: WAS!?! WHY AM I THE ONE DOING THAT!? WHY NOT HIM!?. She points at Toter Dolina

Toter Dolina: Hey!. He shouted

Sneg Ad: Toter Dolina will be taking care of his wife Newcastle of course, While Kamodo is going to take care of Hood and California. She says

Souveran: NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIN!!. She shouted

Kamodo and Toter Dolina stared at her as their sweat dropped

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