Two can keep a secret

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My parents' house lies away from the big cities. It lay near the sea and was surrounded by forest and fields. We moved here from the city after I stopped school. This was a place where I had used so much time expressing myself.

I looked at the last text my mom sent me, before we drove off;

Mom: I'm so happy for you! We'll have rooms ready if they want to stay over too

Vision told me that the Avengers had to be back Wednesday, so I decided to stay with my parents for a few days after they left. It was 12, and we were almost there now. I hadn't told my parents who my soulmates were, but I did tell them that I found 8 of them, and that I hadn't told them about the other 9.
"It's down here. Hey! I'll run ahead"
I said as we came to the gravel road leading to my parents home. I jumped out of the mini bus, and made it to my house in seconds. My dad was on his way to the garage when I came running. I wrapped my arms around him, and basically flew onto him. My dad is very strong, and also has good reflexes, so he only took one step backwards to gain balance.
"Hello my little flower. Where's the mates?"
He said as the car drove into the driveway. I felt an excited tingle, as it almost felt like slow motion when the door opened. The first to walk out was Tony, but was quickly followed by the rest. I could almost hear the surprise in my dad's mind, as he recognised the Avengers.
"Is that our baby, hun?"
I heard my mom ask as she opened the door, and then let out a gasp.


Flora's parents, Alma and Fredrick, we're very nice people. Thor felt that both of the parents had some sort of stronger magical sense to them. It could come from Alma being a multi-marked and Fredrick being a mutant, but it was a different magical pull. Maybe it was the magic that made Flora able to be a soulmate to a god. It's been about an hour, and the topic has landed on her marks and abilities. Maybe her parents knew something.
"My abilities are stronger than anything else. I have so many things to learn and control. Is it because of you? A multi-marked and a mutant?"
Flora said, and her parents looked at each other.


Vision had noticed that both of Flora's parents had seemed a little puzzled. He noticed the same signs, which Flora showed when she was nervous, or hiding something. Something was up with this family. Something much bigger and stronger, than what the human eye could see.
"We knew this would come"
Flora's mom said and sighed.
"Mom? Dad?"
Flora let out a nervous laugh, as both of her parents got up. Her mom went out of the room, while her dad went to get something on the shelf.
"No.. seriously.. what are you doing?"
Natasha put a hand on Flora's shoulder, as the tension raised faster than a speeding car. It went from a little interesting to very alarming and scary. Vision went and flew next to her, so he could help calm her down.
"What is going on?"
He heard her wheeze under her breath.


I suddenly felt very scared. This was supposed to be a happy family meeting, but instead I'm panicking because my parents are acting weird. My dad had taken an artefact, which he had told had gone through more than a hundred generations of his family, and my mom came inside with what looked like a small bag.
"We're sorry we didn't tell you earlier"
My mom said and looked out the window. Suddenly something came flying and smashed the window. It was dark and took no real shape, which made it look foggy. My dad used the artefact to stab it, and it disappeared with a his. He then showed it into my hands alongside the bag.
"What is going on?!?"
I half yelled, almost crying.
"We wanted to tell you when you found at least two of your soulmates"
My dad said, as he found something resembling a sword. We had a sword in our living room all this time?!
"But he has come faster than what I expected"
My mom said.

"What? Who?"
I yelled. Someone yelled.

"You were always destined for something greater. The answers are in the bag. Now... leave!"

I had noticed, but the room was suddenly filled with shadows. The same foggy shadow which broke the window. Someone was yelling. Someone was holding my arm. The only thing I saw was my parents. Standing in the light of the window.

"Tell them about your other marks. They will understand"

A Soul Above the Rest (Avengers Soulmate Story)Where stories live. Discover now