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I told him that story to get him riled up and boy did I.  I never expected he'd tell me what he said to me. I'm his and I'm not going anywhere with out him, guess what mister I going to find a way to get my self killed either that or I'm going to do it myself. 

Andrew back up letting me walk out of his room. what I didn't know was the Andrew told a guard to follow me everywhere, watch every move I make and report back to him. I was very surprised to see Ryan. He too, was a newly turned vampire and unlike me he seemed to be happy with it. Ryan was my friend, even though he didn't help me escape the jaws of death at all, I told myself that I would be willing to over look that. He and I were human back than and of course he was working for the prince; prince Andrew that I was now destined to marry.   Can I just barf!  I have no idea why I needed to marry Andrew anyway they already have a king and queen.  They were never going to die, because as we all know, vampires don't die and nothing bad ever happened here anyway!

 I was no longer staying in Andrew's rooms anymore I went back to my old room. The room where all my memories were bad but I wasn't afraid of this room, ha, no not in my life time I knew they were just memories and hopefully they would go away in the near future.  

I stayed curled up in bed, covers over my head not wanting anything to do with anybody. Every once in a while Ryan would come in and check on me, I knew because I heard the door and I could sense who it was. He would leave me blood bags I could smell it but I didn't move an inch.  It was tempting but I promised myself that I would never, ever drink blood again. I began to wonder if starving myself would slowly kill me, I knew it would when I was human but does it work like that for vampires?

"Ara come on please you need to eat something." I could hear Ryan's voice from under the covers pleading, begging me to drink the blood.  "Andrew's really worried about you." Ryan continued. I rolled my eyes, I don't care what he's worried about, I could care less.  Than he added.   "I'm worried about you Ara."  

"Go away Ryan," My voice was weak but Ryan heard it, he walked out of the room. 

I could feel my body getting weaker as the days rolled by, I wondered how long it would take me to die. I was losing feeling in my toes and legs, I tried to move them. Turns out I had lost that ability. . Not long after my fingers followed; I lost the ability to move them, my chest and then the feeling crept up my neck.

The covers were ripped off me in seconds , I couldn't get them back, couldn't move remember. Looking up I found myself looking at Andrew. He looked horrified the minute he saw me. His mouth moved but I couldn't hear a word he said, I had lost my hearing. He reached toward the table where Ryan had put all the blood bags. Andrew grabbed one ripping it open with his teeth, dipped his fingers in the bag. They came out covered in blood. Then, reaching down he smeared it all over my lips. I sealed my lips, tight and shook my head, telling him I didn't want any.  Typical Andrew ignored that. He dipped his fingers back in the bag, reached down, pried my mouth open shoving his fingers in. 

I regained control of my body instantly. The blood tasted good but I tried to spit it out anyway. Hard to do when somebody's fingers are still in your mouth. Panic started to kick in. Now that I could move I yanked his hand away from me. 

"Why the hell won't you leave me alone!" I yelled.  I was under him in a second.

"You are not going to die just because you are something that you never wanted to be! You are going to eat even if I have to force feed you, do you understand?" I felt a tear roll down my cheek, I couldn't help but let a sob out.   Andrew sighed, I could tell that he felt bad for what he just did. The right side of the bed dipped down indicating that he was beside me. I felt his arms go around me. All I felt was anger, pain, sadness and longing. I was angry at Andrew, at his dad and his mom. They didn't want me dead no one did except me.  

Sadness, Well I was crying. Pain because I just got the use of my limbs back and it hurt like hell. Longing, I wanted to stop feeling like garbage.   

"Ara I'm so sorry, but you need to stop doing this to me." Still sobbing, feeling like an idiot, I didn't say a word. I had to face it, every time I would try to die there was always going to be somebody that was going to be there to try and stop me. I wanted to die because I wanted to see my parents, but I was forgetting, they never cared about me. Maybe the real reason I wanted to die was because I could never find an easy way to escape this place. There was always my friend Riesa, Riesa was dead. 

Why didn't I want to marry Andrew. I always thought that I would marry somebody else, settle down and have kids. Now I couldn't even do that, I couldn't have kids. This sucks.   

More sobs racked my body.

Andrew was not.... Well he was the biggest jerk on planet earth.                                                                      Oh, come on Ara he saved your life more than once. Yeah but did I really want that?  Even if he is the biggest jerk out there, he does have feelings for you. 

"Ara," I looked up at him with sad eyes, he dried my tears away. 


"Yes," He said brushing my hair back. 

"Will you love me forever if I marry you?"  He rested his chin on my head. Knowing Andrew he probably was listening in on my thoughts. I was a bit embarrassed by the questioned I had asked, if I could still blush I would have been beet red. Andrew's arms tightened around me pulling me closer to him and kissed the top of my head.

"Yes, I'll love you forever." He said.


"I promise,"  

"I need to be sure," I said. He looked confused as I looked up at him.

"How?" He asked.

"I need time."

"Sure," He said. "Take all the time you need, I've got all the time in the world. " I smiled at that, it's true he did have all the time in the world. He smiled at me.  "Just promise me something in return ok."  I slowly nodded my head, my turn. "Please stop thinking of ways to die."  My face fell at this. I hesitated. If I knew anything from last time it was that last time I tried to get what I wanted I never got it. Why waste time on something that's going to be equally impossible? 

"I promise," I whispered.

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