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I stepped out of that bathroom feeling a little over dressed, the feeling melted when I saw Andrew. He was dressed in a suit, not his red and gold royal colors one but the white button up shirt and black pants. I blushed, he was staring straight at me; did I have something on my face?

"Ara you look," He never finished but I knew what he wanted to say.

I knew we were outside, I felt the heat it was miserable.

"Andrew what could be out here this is the Sahara desert?" He laughed; I can imagine him throwing his head back. "Andrew this heat is miserable." I complained. that's when the blindfold came off.  

A picnic was laid out. Wait I'm out side... in the sun. I turned to face Andrew he seemed to be having no problem in the sun either.

"Andrew... This is great..." He lifted an eyebrow.

"Go on." He said. I knew he knew that something was wrong.  

"The sun it's not effecting me."  He burst out laughing again.

'What?' I asked in my mind.  He stopped laughing , ran his hand through his hair and gave me a smile.  It was weird, he reminded me a lot of Loki from those marvel movies. His shoulder length black hair, blue-green eyes. From what I remember from watching those movies. Loki was an okay looking guy.  

"You don't "burn"  in the sun because I guess, many years ago my parents had a witch put a spell on this place that kept us safe outside."   Interesting; And without a word, I turned and went to sit on the blanket.  

"Tell me about the best birthday you had in the past." Andrew asked. Why would he want to know that. I stopped, mid bite, eating a turkey sandwich, rose my eyebrows, but then stuck the rest of the sandwich in my mouth.  I was still staring at him in shock, still chewing what was left of my sandwich when he said.   'Please Barbie doll I want to know.' 

"Well..." I had to think about this because any happy memory I had were a long time ago when my dad wasn't drinking and my mom had a regular work schedule. 

"Yes," He encouraged me to go on. I took a deep breath.

"I was turning eight," I began. "I remember inviting Riesa over for a tea party. My mom and dad took off work. Even then that was the first time in a long time that my family was together. Riesa and I had on fancy dresses that we own. We even had on gloves." I imitated how a lady would pick up her cup, pointing my pinkie upward. Andrew smiled, I laughed.   

"I guess I was just always waiting for another day where we could be a family again. My smile faded as I look down at the food.  I picked up my glass filled with blood, drinking the whole thing not thinking about it.  I hated drinking blood.

"Ara," Andrew said I looked up, his voice startled me he was in front of me kneeling on one knee.  I set down my glass, he had a little box in his hands.   I didn't dare look up at him I just kept my eyes on the ring.   "Ara will you marry me." He asked.  I was shocked. It was weeks ago that we had talked about getting married. I had asked him if I could have time; apparently he thought two weeks was enough time. 

My eyes filled with tears as I looked up at him. They fell down my cheeks, I couldn't stop them. If I did marry him, I'd have no doubt that he'd make a good king but was I ready to be queen?  

"Ara, I know..." I put my finger against his lips silencing him. 

"Stop, I know what you want me to say." I wiped my tears away.  "I can't I need more time."   His face fell but he nodded. I could see that I hurt him. I didn't mean to but I just wasn't ready and I pretty sure I made that clear to him.   "I'm sorry," I couldn't take this anymore. I did something I thought I would never have to do. I walked away in tears leaving behind a hurt Andrew. 

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