Do I love you? (Chapter 3)

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Chapter 3:

I woke up with two strong arms clasped around my waist. I was happy for a moment, I wasn't awake enough to know what was going on. I cupped his sofly face with my hands, I kissed his forehead and whispered:

"I love you Duffy."

When I opened my eyes again and paid attention I saw two dark brown eyes staring at me deeply. I was shocked, the reality hit me hard, I realized what I had done


I had been awake for a while and saw peaceful sleep (YN), it was nice to finally be able to keep the person I loved close to me. My eyes closed, I never thought of my worries disappeared when I was with her.

I felt my face getting cupped, I gently felt lips kissing my forehead, I opened my eyes to look at Y/N but then I heard: "I love you Duffy"

Y/N then looked down deep in my eyes, I saw that she realized that I was not Duff and that Duff was no longer there.

"Fuck I'm so sorry Slash, I thought you were Duff. Fuck I'm so fucking sorry."

"It's okay Y/N It can happen."

We looked awkward at each other for a while. I couldn't take it anymore, one moment I was happy and the other I felt so bad. I can't take it anymore, I let my hands divert from her hips and gently pushed her away. I let myself be distracted from the couch and she against Y/N I'm going to take a shower don't worry about me and make yourself at home.


Time skip

It is a couple months later. Between Y/N and Slash has grown a little romance, Slash loves Y/N and Y/N knows that Slash is in love with her. She loves him too and Slash also knows that but they don't have a relationship 'cause Y/N is not completely over Duff


It has been 4 months since Y/N found out that I was cheating, I feel so empty and alone without her, I need her. I can't stand it anymore, every fucking day i'm waking up without her. I didn't know that I was so attached to her, I don't know what to do without her, I didn't felt like I was Duff anymore not without her.

I step out my bed It's early in the morning I can't sleep without her by my side, my bed feels so empty without her laying next to me.

My feet touch the cold floor, I get the goosebumps all over my body, I shider for a bit and.

I put on some clothes and I pull on my jacket and walk outside. I walk to "The open 24 hrs" store. I grab some vodka to take home, I also put one im my jacket 'cause why the fuck would I pay for some bottle that isn't even worth live.

I join the queue at the checkout, which other fool buys stuff at 3 o'clock at night. An old woman is paying, it really takes a long time so I start looking around. My eye catches a rack full of magazines, I especially notice one. On the cover stands Y/N with a big smile on her face, I look at the magazine and I get lost in the picture I miss her so much. The cashier has been trying to get my attention for a while, but she does not succeed because I am so obsessed with watching /YN 's cover. I can't take it anymore, I drop my vodka bottle on the floor and it breaks into a thousand pieces. I throw the cover from "Her" away as I storm out of the shop, running away as far as I can

I slow down, to get my breath back, I can't think of anything anymore. Y/N she is the only thing that's on my mind, I still love her.

I was walking through a random street in LA it is a busy street. I know that a little romance has begun between Y/N and Slash. I'm so mad at Slash why would he steal my girl, the woman I love, the woman I was gonna make my wife off.

 'I love you' - Saul HudsonWhere stories live. Discover now