The studio (Chapter 4)

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Chapter 4:

I guess Duff and I will be fine, ya know we have been through alot together, will figure this one out like we do with all the other things in our live. We just need a good chat. Y/N didn't knew I was going to visit Duff, she'd freak out if she heard that.

I'm walking to the studio where Duff was recording his new album called Believe in Me, he doesn't know I'm coming to see him. I just really wanna to talk to him, because I miss my best friend. I miss talking to someone different than Y/N, it's not that I don't love her but I just need someone else than Y/N to talk to. I need Duff, we have been friends for longer than I can remember, he was there for me when nobody else was, I just don't wanna give up on this friendship.

I was walking to the room were I believe Duff was recording in, I open door 237.

I stand in the doorway, I see no familiar faces. "Fuck" I think, I have the wrong room. Then a guy spots me and he walks up to me and says:

"Hey dude, I think you have the wrong room."

"Yeah, I think so yeah." I say with a grin on my face.

"Do you know were Duff Mckagan is recording?"

Uhh yeah, I think that's room 160 I'm not sure, I'll walk you there. You're Slash from guns right?"

"Yes I am." I answered his question. We start walking to a random direction, how can people find their way in this labyrinth.

"Man I love your music, you're really passionate about it, you can see that in your hard work. I have been listening to the guns since I was a teenanger and damn I loved you guys so much. Like you're such a big person in my life who helped me to be who I am right now, thank you so much for that!"

"No problem man, I'm happy to help. I gave him a kinda awkward smile after that, I mean the guy is nice but I don't need to hear his life story."

We stop for a door, the guy says: "This is where he is recording, was nice meeting you by the way, I really gotta go now, was so awesome to meet you."

He walks away, back to the labyrinth.

I take a deep breath knowing this is gonna be a really hard talk. I open the door and I see Duff's manager, and a bunch of other people. I step into the room, I see that Duff is recording a song. I'm as quiet as I can, I don't wanna ruin his recording.

I sit down next do Duff's manager, and I start listening to Duff.

Duff had his eyes closed and he sings a really emotional song, It's about a girl he used to love, how much he cared and loved her. I get sucked into the song I start concentrating on the lyrics.

"If you thought I needed you why

Would I be lookin'' at chicks and

Lookin' at French fashion magazines"

The last words are sung, Duff opens his eyes, blinks his eyes a couple times from the bright light.

Duff looks around the studio and sees me sitting there and he looks at me, our eyes cross for a moment, both off our eyes are without any expression. The studio door suddenly is slammed open by a blonde, she runs to Duff and kisses him on his mouth.

Duff gets up from the chair and walks out the studio, meanwhile he lays his arm around the blonde's shoulders, holding her tight.

He and the blonde instantly walk over to me, she looks at me awkward like she knows what is going on. I wonder for a second if that girl is a fuck or for real, she doesn't look like Duff's type is. Lots of things are crossing my mind, the looks on their faces are real weird, maybe I shouldn't have come here. Then Duff decides to break the awkward silence while we stand in front of each other.

"Hey Slash -Why did you come here?" He carefully ads

"Well I really thought we needed to talk." I look at the blondie, she's kissing Duff neck, slowly letting her hands burry underneath his t-shirt. The look on her face tells it all, she doesn't takes this serious at all and just wants me to fuck off. Duff sees me looking at the blondie and he frowns his eyebrows

"Oh forgot to tell you, this is Diana, MY GIRLFRIEND."

Well fuck this is awkward I think, I don't know how to respond so I just stare at them awkwardly. But thank god Duff's manager Brian starts talking about Duff's album, how good this is going to be and how this is gonna sell really good.

I really wanna go. Everyone is staring at each other awkwardly, and not saying anything.

I take a big sip off the Jack Daniels and another one, till my balls are getting back to break the silence.

"Ya know Duff you should come to mine and Y/N's engagement party, It's this Sunday."

"Maybe you could bring Diana too, if you want."

I made this only more awkward, the blonde and Duff give each other a disgusting look and then Diana speaks up:

"Well were really busy right now, with the album and MANY other IMPORTANT things, and of course OUR personal life, maybe we'll think about it." She gives horrible fake smile and looks at me with this fucking disgusting look in her eyes. At this point I really don't know why Duff likes her, or even wants to fuck her, she looks horrible.

I give her a fake smile back, I sit there for a moment but them I'm really done with this shit. I walk out the room without saying anything to anyone.

I walk back home, still regretting the decision. I walk into our garden, finding Y/N laying down at a deckchair next to the swimming pool. I walk over to her.

I can see that she is asleep because she doesn't respond on my actions, I lay myself down wrapping an arm around my fiancée.

I give weak kiss on her forehead, causing her to smile. I whisper in her ear:

"I love you kitten. I'm excited for our party It's gonna be great." I look into her eyes and I say, "I love you Y/N with whole my heart, I'm so happy and I'd never do something like that."

She smiles and gives me a deep kiss

 'I love you' - Saul HudsonWhere stories live. Discover now