8 | Defintely

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Lisa | Definitely

Jennie: meet me at the diner across the park at 7! Milkshakes on me!

Placing my phone down into the pocket of my coat, I leaned my head back onto the head rest of the car and closed my eyes. I released a shaky, cold breath and rubbed my hands together. I found myself arriving 30 minutes prior and, not wanting to seem too eager, I stayed in Chaeyoungs car —she, without any ounce of hesitation, offered me her car—.  But, I'm beginning to regret the decision. The colds night air took over the warmth that the inside of the car once had.

I opened my eyes and looked at the time on my phone once more.


15 minutes before I have to enter that diner and confront my past. Was I ready? Maybe. It had been 8 years so there is a possibility that I would be able to control my emotions and handle this night the best way that I could.

I looked at my reflection through my review mirror and combed my fingers through my bangs before huffing. "What am I doing?" I whispered under my breath. I chuckled dryly and shook my head, "This is insane," I muttered before briefly looking to my left. It was brief glance but I swiftly turned my focus back to my left again seeing a certain brunette walking —more like rushing— towards the entrance of the diner. Someone's a tad early too.

And someone's still looking as stunning as ever.

My grip around my phone tightened. My heart began to beat erratically against my chest and I felt heat swarming my cheeks at the sight in front of me. She showed up. Not that I had any doubt, but of course I still had the ridiculous fear that she wouldn't have shown up. But, now, seeing as she was practically sprinting towards the entrance, I knew she was eager  to see me too.

But I was more subtle about it.

I watched her stop right at entrance and face the window. She leaned forward and narrowed her eyes at her own reflection. Watching her lean forward and frantically comb her fingers through her perfect set of long curls, I couldn't stop the grin that grew on my lips. Especially the way she rolled her eyes at herself, seeming to be annoyed that her hair wasn't looking the way she wanted.

"Cute," I whispered. That's what I remembered her doing years ago every time she wanted to look cute—



Don't go there Lis.

I can't go there.

I shook off my thoughts and waited till she walked into the diner before looking at myself one last time in the mirror. Accepting that this was the best I could I do, I exhaled through my nose and exited my car in one swift movement.

"Lisa over here!"

I looked over to the owner of the voice and sent a timid smile. Something about the way her beautiful gummy smile was displayed as she lifted her hand up and waved wildly caused my heart to scream 'GOD DAMN IT SHES ADORABLE!'

My heart tends to be insufferable whenever she's around.

"You came," she breathed out. I looked into her dark feline eyes and noticed the look of relief swelling in them. I grinned and sat myself down across from her.

"Couldn't miss out on the free milkshake," I teased.

"Lucky for you they make the best kind," she added with a playful wink. My breath hitched at the action. I forced out a chuckle and nodded shortly after,

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