10 | Sharing

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Lisa | Sharing


"Lisa, wait! Let me explain!!" Jennie shouted. I exhaled sharply and quickened my steps. Avoidance was my specialty and Jennie absolutely hated it.

"There's no need for an explanation, I get it. Congratulations," I replied with a hiss. I was extremely hurt and all I wanted to do was forget what I saw because then I wouldn't have to face the truth. I wouldn't have to realize that I really had no chance to be with someone as amazing as Jennie. She groaned in annoyance from behind,

"Don't be like that Lis.." she dragged out carefully and breathlessly. "Darn your long legs," she muttered out angrily. I would've laughed at that but my heart was aching too much to even feel any ounce of humor.

"Don't forget her long fingers," Joy chimed in as we passed by her in the hallway. Her voice hinted amusement and seduction which created a pink tinge in my cheeks to grow from embarrassment. Jennie growled from behind.

"Shut it Joy!"

Joy laughed as she watched us rush past her, "It's just a fact boo!" She called out. "Hey Lisa you should call me sometime!"

"You call her and I'll end you," Jennie threatened loudly. I sighed and closed my eyes before abruptly stopping. That only led Jennie to slam into my back with a tiny gasp. She gripped onto my waist to steady herself and rested her forehead on my back, sighing in relief.

"I feel like I ran a marathon," she breathed out. I remained silent, I didn't want to turn around and face her. Because if I face her, then I'd be facing my internal rejection. Noticing my silence, Jennie slowly wrapped her arms around my waist and held me closely.

"I'm sorry Lili," she whispered. Struggling to ease the ache in my chest, I clenched my fists and inhaled  to steady my breathing. Jennie probably sensed my mental battle because she only tightened her hold and pressed a kiss on my back, "Say something, please."

"What is there to say?" I stated, ignoring the fluttering feeling from that sweet gesture. I feel her flinch from my tone on my back, but her grip around me didn't falter. "Finding out that you've been dating Junhoe, for I don't know how long, on my own doesn't settle well with me," I said, hurt evident in my voice. Jennie slowly let go and gently turned me around to face her.

"I was going to tell you eventually but I didn't know how," she poorly defended.

"But why didn't you?" I asked, averting my eyes to the floor. I heard Jennie sigh and watched her feet fidget in discomfort in front of me.

"Because I knew how you feel about him." I had to scoff at that.

"If you knew then why are you with him? You know how much of a jerk he is to me!" I stated. I forcibly meet Jennie's eyes and fought back the look of jealousy by masking it with a look of complete utter betrayal. "He ditches us, well apparently me, for popularity. Made fun of my damn glasses for fuck sakes."

"He's changed!"

"To who Jennie?! Obviously to you! He doesn't give a shit about me anymore," I pointed out. Jennie frowned,

"But I care about you and I always will, shouldn't that matter more to you?" She whimpered out. I sighed and brushed my fingers through my hair in frustration,

"That obviously matters Jennie but it doesn't fix the fact that you didn't tell me," I uttered out. Jennie inched her way closer to me and held onto my hand,

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