The plan - Chapter four

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So uh... Sorry for not posting this chapter, I totally lost motivation. I'll make it up to you by being more active, also in between this chapter and the next chapter, I might make a little first person  Sanders Sides related story. Thanks for 37 likes on chapter 3! Enjoy the chapter!

A few minutes later

Deceit's POV

Me and Remus threw around ideas for how to get Roman and Virgil together for a few minutes, from just straight-up telling one of them to ask the other out to super complex plans, Remus was half-way through telling a super weird idea when I thought, "Remus!" I said, "Yeah Dee? You got an idea?" Remus said, "Yeah, how about this?" I explained the plan to him, "I plan on using Roman's love for Disney" I said, "Perfect. This will work for sure." Remus said. "Phase one, we will need to get Roman to first admit he likes Virgil. But that will be hard-" I said, Remus cutting me off, "I know just how to get him to admit it!" he said. "Well? Elaborate, he is your brother so you probably know him better than I do." I said. "So, first we are going to need to have a sleepover with Roman, I'll hide it as "brotherly bonding", And then, we'll get him to stay up for a long time, because there is an exact point in tiredness where he will tell anybody anything, but we can't wait too long either because there is a point where he gets TOO self-aware and won't tell anybody anything, about... 7 hours into the night I'd say is the perfect point to ask him about his crush." He explained to me. "Perfect! So, when should we get phase one into effect?" I asked, "Maybe... Friday? Because on Sunday we have a deadline due for a video and Logan will be pissed if we stay up all night the day before." Remus said. "Of course I'll ask him later today but for the actual phase one Friday should work." Remus elaborated. "Yeah." I said. "Actually, I might as well just ask him right now." Remus said. "Alright, hopefully he doesn't reject!" I called out to Remus as he got up to go downstairs.

Remus's POV

I went downstairs to ask Roman about the sleepover, "Hey Ro?" I asked, trying to not sound suspicious, "Hm? Yeah Remus?" he asked, "I was wondering, wanna have a sleepover with me on Friday?" I asked. "And.. Why is that?" He asked, obviously suspicious of me. "You know, brotherly bonding!" I said, trying to make it sound innocent, "Okay, but I swear to god, if this is some prank, I will murder your entire famil-" he said, "Wait, we're brothers dammit." he said. I laughed, "Right. See you on Friday!" I said, walking up the stairs. "Pre-phase done. Now we just wait until Friday." I said to Deceit. "Perfect." Deceit replied. "We have to be a bit more careful than ideal because it seems that Roman is suspicious of me." I said. "Anyways, wanna play monopoly?" I said, "Eh, yeah sure!" Deceit replied. I summoned a board and set it on the table.

A few minutes later

Remus's POV

"YOU BISH!!! WHY DO I HAVE TO BE IN JAIL?!?" I screamed, jumping out from my seat. "Yo, Rem Rem, chill. You have a get out of jail card." Deceit said. "Oh yeah, you're right!" I said happily, Remy would rise up, holding some Starbucks, "Hey Remus, Deceit, Ooh, monopoly? May I join?" Remy said. "Yeah sure!" me and Deceit replied. The three of us would play together for a few hours, despite the late start, Remy somehow won, "WHAT?! I'M USUALLY THE KING AT MONOPOLY!!! I CALL REMATCH!!!!" I yelled "Alright alright, chill Remus. It's not your fault I'm the best." Remy said, "Not true." I mumbled. "You're just mad that I embarrassed you in front of your crush." Remy said teasingly. "HEY!" I yelled, blushing bright red along with Deceit. "Chill chill, I was just joking." Remy said. We played again, this time I won. "See, it was just luck!" I said proudly "I still haven't won yet." Deceit said. We played one more time for the night, it was a tie between me and Remy. "Jesus Christ you guys are GODLY at this game!" Deceit said after the final game of the night. "Oof." Remy said. "Welp, you guys should probably get some rest, I'll take over for the night." Remy said, sipping some Starbucks. "Yeah, I'm gonna go to my bedroom now." I said, sinking down to my room for the night, "Night guys!" I said before going completely down.

The next morning

Remy's POV

"Morning-" I said while going down the stairs to find... Remus, cooking pancakes in an apron. "What? Just cooking for Dee- Deceit.?" Remus said.  "Well then, I might as well stay for some food before heading off to hang out with Emile." I replied. "Going on a date with your boyfriend?" Remus teased, "W..What? No! We're just friends!" I said, blushing bright red. "Suuuurrreeeeee, TOTALLY not like I saw you flirting with him on monday." Remus said. "W..WHAT!? HAHA.. UH.. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" I said, My whole face going tomato red. "Come on, it's OBVIOUS you like him Remy." Remus said while putting the pancakes onto three plates, "Heres your's Remy." Remus said, handing me a plate of pancakes with maple syrup, whipped cream, and strawberries, "Woah, I didn't know you could cook like this!" I said, kneeling on my chair to take a good photo of the pancakes. "I'm glad you think they look good!" Remus said, untieing his apron and sitting down in his chair. I looked up to see a tired-looking Deceit walking down the stairs. "Hey Dee-" Remus said and then looked at me "I mean- er- Deceit-" And then Remus looked up, "What's wrong Deceit? You look exhausted!" Remus said worriedly, Deceit replied with "I'm fine Remus, just didn't sleep very well last night.", "Why?" Remus asked. "Nightmare, I've just had stuff on my mind recently that appeared in a nightmare." Deceit said, "I'm heading off to Picani's after breakfast, I could take you with me if you wanted." I said. "Oh, thanks Remy!" Deceit replied. "No problem!" I said.

After Remy and Deceit finished breakfast

Deceit's POV

"You ready to go Deceit?" Remy said "Yeah, thanks for taking me with you by the way!" I replied. "No problem!" Remy said. "Have a good day you two!" Remus said, "We will Rem- Remus!" I said to Remus. "Dammit Deceit, you almost called Remus Rem Rem in front of Remy." I thought. "Hey Deceit?" Remy said, "Hm? Yeah Remy?" I replied. "Do you and Remus have nicknames for each other? I've seen both of you stutter when saying each other's names, it's kinda obvious at this point and I'd be quite surprised if that isn't the case." Remy said, I felt both my human and my snake side heat up, which is very rare for that to happen, "Clearly you do if you're blushing so hard that it shows up on your snake side." Remy said. I'd sigh, "Fine we do have nicknames for each other- BUT IT IS TOTALLY PLATONIC." I said, "What are they?" Remy asked, "I already admitted we have nicknames, do you seriously want to know more?" I replied with a slight angry undertone in my voice. "FiNe." Remy replied. "Don't be sarcastic with me, that's my job!" I replied playfully, we reached the outside of the mind palace and sank down.

At Emile's office

Eh, thought it would be good to end it now so that I still have content for the next chapter lol, anyways, see you next chapter! BAIIIII!!!!

Word count: 1301

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