Chapter 8

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Well this past week has been amazing to say the least. Johnny and I are stronger then ever. I've never felt so complete it my entire life. I gave him every part of me and I have no regrets.

It was an incredible night. Honestly, we haven't been able to keep our hands off each other. We are always looking for a new make out spot and I finally decided to see my doctor about birth control. It was time. I haven't spoken to my mom about it. But, she definitely suspects something. She always gives us this look when she sees us kissing.

I am meeting Johnny at his gym in half an hour. I told him I wanted to go for a run, as his gym was on my usual running trail. It's Saturday and the week flew by. We both have been busy with after school sports, but always find time to see each other.

We are going out with some friends tonight after the gym. There is a festival in town and we are both big kids. I remember when we went to the carnival last year and Johnny ate so much cotton candy he was sick for two days. He has such a sweet tooth. I started smiling as I remembered his puppy dog eyes begging me to drive him home. Poor guy, he threw up for a couple hours and I stayed with him to make sure he was ok. I made him some chicken soup and he was grateful for it. He felt better the next day. However cotton candy and Johnny do not mix well.

My mom wasn't home and my brother was away with his girlfriend. The house has been fairly quite. I packed the rest of my things and headed out for my usual run. I put my headset on and played my favorite running music. There isn't anything like it. Running has always taken me to a different place.

After my dad died I started running everyday. It was the only way I could release all of the aggression I felt. I miss him so much. It was a little chilly today and it started to get dark. I was almost at the gym, when I felt strong arms push me against a wall. His breath smelled of alcohol and it looked as if he was homeless. I didn't know the guy. My body began to shake.

"What do you want" I croaked.

" Well aren't you've cute little thing." He started groping me and i felt as if I may throw up as he slobbered his wet kisses down my neck."

"Let me go!! I screamed. All of the sudden his weight was lifted off me. He was on the floor and someone was beating the guy up. I couldn't make out who it was. The creep finally ran off. That's when I saw him. There only a few feet before me stood. Tony.

He was breathing heavy from the fight. He looked at me, but it wasn't anger or evil. He looked generally concerned.

He walked up to me slowly. He was being careful. " Sammy, are you alright?"

"Uh....i..i think so. Thank you.."

"Listen Sammy, I really need to talk to you. I am so sorry. I was a real jerk to you. I never meant for it to get that far. I'm not asking for forgiveness. I just wanted you to know how sorry I am...for everything that happened between us."

I stood there is complete shock. I can't believe that Tony is back in town and is actually apologizing to me after all this time.

"I..don't know what to say. It means a lot. It's been tough for me, but I've gotten better with therapy. The nightmares have finally stopped a few months ago.

I noticed his jaw clench at my words.

" Oh my God, what have I done". He broke down and fell to the ground and covered his face with his hands. He looked broken.

I've held this anger for a long time and I honestly needed to let it go. I'm finally at peace and I'm happy. I walked slowly to Tony and sat beside him. I lifted his chin to meet my eyes. "Tony, look it was a long time ago. I forgive you. I can't hold onto this anger anymore. We both need to move on from this."

To say he was shocked was a understatement. " forgive me? Why? I was cruel and selfish."

"Tony you weren't always. I don't know what changed and why you did what you did. But when we first started dating you were kind, then for some reason all I saw was jealously and rage in your eyes. Honestly, it scared me. I feared you. I couldn't be with you anymore. But we all deserve a second chance. So I forgive you. I want you to move on with your life and find someone that makes you I did."

"You and Johnny right?

I nodded.

"I always knew you too would end up together. I think that was why I was so jealous all of the time." I'm in a better place. I've gone to therapy to control my anger issues. I started my own business. I work from home. I also have an amazing girlfriend, who gets me."

I smiled. "I'm glad. We both stood up, don't ask me why I did it. But I reached up and gave him a hug. He stiffened. He was shocked. He seemed unsure to hug me back, but he finally did.

"Thank you Sammy. It's no excuse, but I drank alot back then and took my anger out on you. You didn't deserve it. I've regretted it ever since. I've wanted to make amends for a while now, but didn't know how. I was on my way to train today and saw you were in trouble with that sleaze ball."

"I appreciate it Tony. More than you will ever know. I just froze. I have been training for a while now, but I just got caught off guard."

"Well keep practicing, you need to be able to defend yourself if you have to. I'm going to go. You ok from here? The gym is down the block. Do you want me to walk you?"

" No I'm ok. Thanks."

We said our goodbyes and I headed to the gym. Wow that was crazy. As I opened the door to the gym, I saw Johnny in the boxing ring practicing. He gave me a wide grin, jumped down and ran to hug me.

"Well someone missed me." I laughed.

"Hi babe. How was you run?"

I started to tell Johnny the events that took place. He hasn't said a word since I told him. He was dead silent. Definitely speechless.

"Wow. I'm glad your alright. I still can't believe you forgave him. But I guess I see where you are coming from."

"Johnny, it's time. I finally feel at peace, and I knew that I needed to see him for closure, I just didn't think it was going to be today. Anyway I really want to train to get my mind off this. Can we get started?"

"Sure babe let's go. But before we do." He reached and grabbed my waist and kissed me. It was passionate and eager at the same time. When we parted. We were both breathless.

"Wow." We both said at the same time. He grabbed my hand and proceeded towards the boxing ring. Let the training begin.

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