Battle Feild Promotion

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I'd just started my overnight shift. Little literally just clocked in in the back room of the gas station I worked at. It was a nice gas station don't get me wrong, but it was still a gas station and I was still working the overnight shift. I'd thumbed in, talked with my coworkers for about an hour, and was just starting to settle into my routine of cleaning when everything fell apart.

I say it all fell apart, it was a bit more subtle then that. It was me and my coworker Ryan, there might have been someone else inside at that moment but I wasn't paying attention. Because just as I'd looked out the big front window the night time scenery changed, like someone had changed the channel on the tv. The pump feild vanished and what was left in its place was the carnage and chaos of a war. Craters and overturned cars, debris from crumbled buildings, bullet holes.

The deviation of battle was compounded on one another as clear signs of nature retaking the destroyed landscape was evident. That and the explosions and sounds of gunfire in the distance.

"The fuck is all this?" Some one said coming up next to me to stare out at all the mess outside. The lights from inside the building lit up the cracked pavement before us but outside of that everything was still under the darkness of night. A quick glance at the man told me I'd never met him before, or if I had he'd been another face in the hordes of people one deals with when behind the registers.

He was taller then me, not hard to do, physically fit and had the face of someone who was smart enough to read the signs in the store, trust me not an altogether common trait. He went strait for the door opening it to look outside. I suppose he whanted to see if it was a trick maybe we'd put screens on the windows?

Soon as he opened the door however. It was like some kind of tension snapped, the lights flicked off, the sounds of explosions and gunfire got louder though it still wasn't deafening, and the whole store dropped. Like it had been hanging in the air it fell hard enough to knock me on my ass and crack the windows.

"What the FUCK!!!" Ryan shouted coming out of the back room. I looked away from the window and the completely stunned man in the door frame and I looked at Ryan.

"Get a few garbage bags and fill them with whatever you can carry!" I shouted as I scrambled up.

"Are you crazy!!! I'm not going out there! We need to barricade the doors and windows!" Ryan shouted. I'd already grabbed a roll of heavy duty black garbage bags. And was running to were we kept the water and beef jerky.

"Take a look outside man! That's a battle field, and we need to get as far away from it as possible!!!" I shouted back. Ryan still hadn't moved from his spot, he did however shakily take out his pack of cigarettes.

"Who the hell are you?!" The man at the door shouted.

"Please sir keep calm, as I said I'm a t-doll under the command of griffin. Now please get back inside." A new voice said. T-doll? Griffin? I knew those words. My bag half full and getting heavy I went to see what was going on. and I stoped dead in my tracks. She was a little shorter then the man she was talking to, still taller then me, she had white hair tied back into a pony tail with a black ribbon that stuck up like bunny ears, sharp orange eyes, a white sleeveless button down shirt and black mini skirt. She also had a black jacket and was carrying a serious looking pistol that she had pointed at the man as she urged him back inside. I recognized her.

"Five-Seven?" The name slipped out before I realized what was happening. A look of recognition crossed her face and then surprise and... grief? Her eyes locked into me, shining tears formed in the corners of them and she choked out one word.

"C-commander?" That word hit me like a ton of bricks. It WAS her, Five-Seven, a t-doll from the game Girls Frontline. She was my handgun unit assigned to echelon-2. Nether one of us moved, but she had more to say. "B-but you're... dead." She almost whispered. The man from before decided this was the time to try and grab at her gun. In a flurry of movements the man was suddenly on the floor his hands tied behind his back with a zip tie pulled from god knows were, and Five-Sevens eyes were back on me.

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