A New Home

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The crowd around me was in an uproar. T-dolls came flooding into the tent from all sides trying to calm there respective commanders down, only with very little luck. It seemed as if no one from the higher ups was going to come address us, that short and altogether lame explanation was all we were going to get. Hi we were the ones who dragged you here to fight our war, sorry and good luck. Pricks.

There were children here! Kids barely older then thirteen, are they really going to make them fight a war?! Someone grabbed my sleeve, and I turned to see, PTRD still trying to wiggle all the way through the thick crowd to me.

"COMMANDER! THIS WAY!" She shouted pointing at the side of the tent. Even shouting I could barely hear her right now. A fist fight broke out and the T-dolls continued to struggle to bring the crowd of commanders under control. Many dolls has simply settled for pulling there commander free of the chaos and slipping away. Much like PTRD was doing with me.

At the edge of the tent we slipped out through a opening and I was greeted by Echelons-2, 5, 6, and 7 as well as a smoking Ryan. Honestly the smell of a cigarette calmed me down a bit, a side effect of living with a family of smokers.

"Sooooo. I guess you ARE the commander?" M99 said. WA2000 snorted.

"At least he's close enough to the real commander for Griffin to stick him in charge." She said.

"Still it raises a few questions. Commander if you're not of this world how exactly DID you know about dummy linking?" M4A1 asked. Well shit how do I answer that one? I wondered.

"Uhhhh, let's save that explanation for when we're out of this mess?" I said. They all seemed unsatisfied but were letting it go. "First I guess let's start with what's going on?"

"Sir I could tell you that. We were all called out for a big operation, you, or rather the original you, pulled all 9 of your Echelons to participate in this event, wile we were all out you, or I guess he, was captured and executed, without orders our operations fell apart, wile we were falling back to the rally point we stumbled upon the current you." M99 explained.

"Oh.... ok. Uh, were are the other Echelons? I asked.

"Echelon-1 is on the frontline preparing for the enemy's strike, there not the strongest team out there but there firepower is difficult to match having two machine guns and two of the best assault Rifles." Springfield said.

"AK47 is NOT one of the best assault rifles." M16 piped up.

"Present company excluded of course." Springfield said with that same costumer service smile from before. "Anyway, I haven't told them about you due to... deep the connections they had with the old you. Echelon-2, 5,6,and 7 are here and at you're service. Echelons-3, 8, and 9 were critically damaged in the first part of the operation and evacuated home."

So I was down to four teams. Springfield was right of course not to tell Echelon-1 about me. Everyone one was having a hard time with there affection level at 100 all of Echelon-1 was at 150. Best not open that can of worms on a battle field.

"Right... well, next step is Evacuating ourselves isn't it?" I asked.

"Yes sir, unfortunately it's going to be a wile before our Evac gets here." Ms. Thompson said.

"And we'll probably be attacked before then right?" I asked. Ms. Thompson smiled.

"You really are the boss." She said.

"Enemy forces are mobilizing as we speak, we expect an attack within an hour or two." M99 said. Why not? I thought.

"All right our priority is our evacuation, we aren't here to play hero, let stronger commanders do that. How are we Evacuating?" I asked.

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