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The next few interviews followed the same lines. Uncertainty was present in every team. Their emotions about me were mixed, a lot of hot and cold action, and they all came with tests. I think I passed, who knows. Echelon-3 I saved for last. Only just scaring myself from that encounter by moments. Echelon-3 was going to be by far my most dangerous team, if only because of there leader DP28.

She was mature, sensual, and from what I remember from the limited game dialog, flirtatious and suggestive. It may be hard to keep myself on task and professional with her around. The other members of the team weren't to bad. Type97s was cool and collected, GR MP5 was affectionate but little more then a child in appearance and manner makeing her advances easy to handle, if they come, AS Val and Grizzly were wild cards only in that I knew so little about them.

I was just wondering if I could get a profile of them pulled up on the computer here when they knocked on my door again. This time there was no sending them away they were the last ones I needed to talk to.

"Come in." I called out. Echelon-3 filed into the room quietly. They all looked... nervous? Sad even. "Something the matter?" I asked. MP5 hid herself behind Grizzly who looked like she was barely keeping herself together.

"N-nothing sir." DP28 was standing at the far corner stiff and rigged. Nothing like the saucy flirt I was led to believe she was. Something was wrong.

"Right well... I whanted you all to know that I'm not the man you know. Despite all appearances and similarities I'm a different person. As such things are going to be a bit different and that might take some getting used to." I started. The team only got stiffer like they were waiting for some horrible news. "As such I'm going to have to make a few changes and normal operations might not resume for a wile. So-"

"Oh PLEASE commander! Pleas don't retire us!" MP5 said running around Grizzly and my desk to slam into me and cry into my shirt. "Please please please! I'll get better! So much better don't get rid of us!" She sobbed. That seemed to be what was on all there minds as the rest of the team slumped in apparent defeat. I sighed and patted MP5 on the head.

"I was just going to say that I need you guys to help with my training." I said. The room went still.

"I-I'm Sorry?" Type97s asked.

"As I am now I'm not fit to command. I have no training of any kind that will help. No experience in command and from what I know of this position I should also have anti interrogation training as well as basic combat skills on top of all the logistics stuff. I'm useless as I am now and I need help. You guys up for it?" I asked.

To say the tension broke would be an understatement. There entire personalities changed. AS VAL collapsed into a corner and stared at her feet apparently exhausted. Type97s got a huge grin on her face. Grizzly just sat there and looked dumb founded. DP28 was the first to speak up as she moved closer... a lot closer.

"I-if that's all why did you send us away and deal with us last?" She asked. There was a light in her eye that was making me uncomfortable.

"Oh uh well, I just needed time to... uh" I honestly couldn't think of a response. I was terrified of you? I'm a small timid guy and the idea of dealing with a tall sexy flirtatious woman like you scared the shit out of me, because I've always gone on the look but don't touch philosophy? If I said that would it be ok or would the predator I see in your eyes take it as an invitation?

"Yes?" DP28 asked drifting closer.

"I needed time to organize the other teams before I did something selfish, like ask for your time training." I said. These girls are all repurposed civilian dolls right? They could have been doing anything before this, and as DP28 reached my desk and put a gloved hand down, and leaned toward me offering a wonderful view of her cleavage the idea of her being an escort doll crossed my mind along with the enticing sent of vanilla.

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