Gothic family

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You slowly opened your eyes and saw an armless, body-less hand on your chest. You stared at it for a moment and then it moved. You freaked out and screamed like a little girl. The hand jumped off with its fingers and crawled away. You took a few seconds to catch your breath and slowly relaxed your head back to the pillow you laid on. You turned to the right and saw the girl again. She did nothing nor spoke anything, she just glared at you making you unsettled. Finally, she spoke and called you a "Pervert"

"What?" You asked.

"You just couldn't resist my scent" She said with a straight face.

"Ah, you are awake" You heard the voice of an adult man. He had a fancy moustache and wore a dark-purple tuxedo, his hair was short. "I'm Wednesday's father- Gomez" He introduced himself. You never knew the name of the girl but now you assumed that her name was Wednesday. You did not say anything but you tried to give a nice smile which could scare off a zombie.

"Your smile is very unsettling, uncomfortable, and frightening" Gomez complimented "I'm jealous of it!" He admitted. You were still confused but, thirsty for blood.

"I'm thirsty" you said

"Drink your own blood, then" said Wednesday

During dinner, you were met with the rest of her family and they all introduced themselves. "Fester Addams, I lost my memory once at the Bermuda Triangle" said a fat bald man whose face looked like Dr. Emmet Brown from Back To The Future.

"Morticia Addams, Wednesday's Mother. Do you have a crush on my daughter?" Said a woman in a black pointy dress.

"N- no" You said nervously, you never thought you would feel so awkward in this situation. Usually, you would suck up the entire family as you did so back in the 19th century. Those were good times. But this was different.
"I am not accustomed to..." You paused then continue "Ummm... " You tried to find the right words. Morticia got concerned
"Oh I see you've surrounded yourself with normal people. Poor thing!" She said "Normal is just an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly?" She quoted. You have never heard such wise words.

"I'm Wednesday's brother- Pugsley" said a chubby kid wearing a shirt with black and white stripes

"I'm Grandmama" Said an old lady who was quite obviously the grandma of Wednesday. She pointed at the creepy hand from before "This is Thing". The hand waved. Then she pointed at a tall man who gave Frankentstein vibes playing the organ "This is Lurch". Lurch looked at you happily then groaned nicely. You waved, then finished your food.

"What's in this food?" You asked

"Eyeballs of those who dared to oppose me" Said Wednesday.
You drank the liquid from your glass cup then asked what was in it.

"Blood" said Gomez "Wednesday said you're a vampire" he then turned to Morticia "Isn't that right, Cara mia?"

"Oui" said Morticia. Gomez then grabbed her hand and started kissing it over and over.

Wednesday is half-italian and half-french? You thought

"Yes" She answered as if she read your mind

"Oh, I haven't properly introduced myself" You said "I'm Y/N"

"It is unsettling to meet you, Y/N" Morticia smiled

"Would you like to stay awhile?" she asked.

"I will need time to decide on that" you answered

Snaps and fangs (Wednesday Addams x male vampire reader)Where stories live. Discover now