Scare spree

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You two panted naked under the blanket after fucking so hard that none of you had much energy.

"Someone asked me once" she said, catching her breath "How would I feel if I found a husband who would everything for me and be my slave. I said i'd pitty him, and now the man I said i'd pitty is next to me, pleasing me, loving me"

"What do you wanna do?" you asked

"Something better than having you thrust inside me, but i'm too tired, so i'll tell you tomorrow" she wrapped her hands around your neck in a strangle position and went to sleep. The next evening you were woken up by the slice of a cutter on your arm, the wound healed quickly.

"Good evening, [Y/N] put on some clothes now or i'll cut off your dick" she pulled out a machete.

"On it" you said, standing up and picking your clothes from the closet. Wednesday gave you a kiss.

"I will be waiting outside" said Wednesday, still holding her machete. You watched her walk out the door thinking she was hot as she swayed her hips. After grabbing your vampiric clothes, you met with her outside and asked your wife what you were about to do. She said that it was time to make normal people uncomfortable. But she did not allow you to kill anyone. You went down on your knees begging for mercy.

"But where will I get my nutrition?" you asked.

"I said you can't kill anyone, that doesn't you can't drink their blood. Just don't suck anyone to the death"

You felt relieved that you can still suck blood. Wednesday ordered you to follow her to a park where a lot of couples meet up during night time.

"Oh hey, you two!" called a man, holding a camera, followed by what you deduced was his girlfriend "Can you take a picture of me and my girl?"

"No" answered Wednesday

"How'bout your boy?"

"Leave him alone, he's mine"

"Then how will we take a picture together?"

"You don't"

"What the hell?" the man cursed "This is for my girl and you should be ashamed!"

"With a girl like that you should be ashamed" replied Wednesday before drawing out her machete. The man looked terrified that he slowly backed up and ran away with his girl. You were about to chase them for their blood when Wednesday stopped you.

"Their blood is made of stupidity and normie cells. I don't want you to catch that" said Wednesday.

"What about that guy?" you asked, pointing at a man making out with his girl. She allowed you to take his blood but not turn him into a vampire nor kill him. You leap into action and sunk your fangs deep into his neck. The man and his girl screamed in terror. But his girl screamed for a different reason.

"Who is this man?" she asked

"Help me!" said the man

"This is gay!"

You stopped sucking his neck upon hearing the girl, asking what the hell?

"My boyfriend is gay!" she pointed out. You cringed so bad that you decided to drink the girl's blood instead. Even the boy cringed from the misunderstanding.

"I'm straight!" he cried.

"Go away" interrupted Wednesday, and so the man did.

The two of you continued to walk when it hit you, an idea. You stretch out your arm for Wednesday to take.

"Shall we dance?" you asked

She threw her machete next to some guy, causing him to run away frightened, grabbed you by the hand and your shoulder and started waltzing around. Waltzing close to people and stepping on their foot. Pissing them off before, scaring them away by showing your fans. All Wednesday needed to do was glare at each and everyone of them. Even you get terrified of her glare, but it is beautiful. When you fall in love with someone and you know that person loves you back, you unlock a path to look deeper into their eyes, and their eyes become the most beautiful thing in the world. You just cannot look away because you see your favorite colors, even if it is black. You feel how colorful it is and it is just too bright. Like an insect glaring at a lamp and unconsciously flying closer until the lamp kills them. You know you are so deeply in love when you find more stars in her eyes than in the night-sky.

It was a very lovely night. Dancing and scaring people to death because they suck.

The next morning, you find people drained of blood walking like zombies on the streets. You were in startled when you saw Wednesday standing behind you.

"Y/N" she said "I'm pregnant"

"What?" you asked "But, I'm a vampire. I'm sure I didn't cum inside because I wasn't invited to"

"My spirits did"

Snaps and fangs (Wednesday Addams x male vampire reader)Where stories live. Discover now