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When Wooyoung wakes up the next day, he facepalms himself when he realizes what he told Yunho last night. He can't believe he actually dared him to kiss him. Now things were going to be weird between them.

"Good morning." San smiles. "You're up."

"Yeah." Wooyoung nods awkwardly.

"Look, I get that you don't like me like that, so I won't keep insisting for us to be together. But can we at least be friends?"

"Why are you asking me that all of a sudden?"

"Because I don't want us to be awkward around each other anymore. We both have a lot of friends in common so whether we like it or not, we're going to see each other a lot. So let's be friends?"

"Okay then." Wooyoung nods and smiles. "Friends."

"Good." San smiles but his smile immediately fades with what Wooyoung asks him next.

"Is Yunho out there?"

"Why do you ask?"

"No reason." He shakes his head. "Is he?"

"Yeah, he's in the living room with Mingi."

"Oh okay." Wooyoung nods. He knows he'll have to face Yunho someday, but he feels so embarrassed. Maybe he should just pretend he doesn't remember what happened yesterday.

~Days Later~

"Now will you two tell us why you've been acting so weird around each other?" Seonghwa asks Yunho and Wooyoung.

"Weird? Who's been acting weird?" Yunho asks confused.

"You and Wooyoung. I noticed that since before we went to the beach house, but I didn't say anything, thinking it wasn't a big deal. I know you two kissed at the club a few weeks ago, but you two have just started getting more and more awkward with each other. Plus, what was that dare the other day?"

"It was nothing. I was just drunk and you know how stupid I can be." Wooyoung rolls his eyes. "I do stupid things. I think it's normal and everyone did that." He ends up walking away and Yeosang follows him.

"Hey Woo, wait up." He catches up to him.

"I know we haven't been friends for too long, but I can tell somethings going on." He starts. "Did something happen between you and Yunho?" Yeosang asks him. "More than just that kiss Seonghwa is talking about?"

Wooyoung hesitates at first but then ends up nodding. "Yeah... that night we kissed, we got so drunk and... we slept together. Then a few days later he got back together with Mingi, so everything just got more awkward. But I know Mingi and San are your best friends, so please don't tell them. What me and Yunho did happened before he and Mingi got back together."

"Don't worry, I won't tell them." Yeosang reassured him. "But you like Yunho, don't you? It bothers you that he's with Mingi."

"Well yeah, there's no point in lying. It seems like you know me so well. Even Yunho who's been my best friend for so long doesn't realize I have feelings for him." He sighs. "After I dared him to kiss me that night at the beach house, he's barely talked to me."

"I mean... he has a boyfriend, Woo. He couldn't just accept the dare and kiss you."

"Yeah, I know. I should've respected that he's with someone. Alcohol just makes me a little too brave for my own good." He sighs. "But wait... did you just call me Woo?"

"What? Oh... yeah. I guess I've been hanging out with you a little too much recently." Yeosang says, making Wooyoung smile.

"I never thought I'd say this, but I like being your friend." Wooyoung tells him. "It's like you can read my mind and know exactly how I'm feeling. You're my soulmate."

"Oh you're exaggerating." Yeosang playfully hits his arm and they start walking towards their next class.

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