Chapter 10: Roots

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Prince Leonidas

Although Rerimas designates one of its four towers to our council, the room where they meet with my mother and I is as small as a study. A single rectangular table made of polished dark brown wood sits in the center of the room on a rug seating up to ten people, but today only myself and four council members are in attendance.

My mother is away in Relabeth helping Prince Koa and Princess Aiko prepare for their ceremony and the ball.

"Prince Leonidas," Farouk, the leader of our council addresses as I take my place at one of the table's end seats, "is there an explanation for why you're late?"

The other three adjust their bodies to face me. They're all wearing navy blue cloaks with black embroidery along the sleeves and collars; representative colors of Rerimas. I can see the judgement in their eyes at my choice to wear a silver tunic. 

"No, I apologize for the delay."

My mother would be glaring into the depths of my soul if she were here. My Kingdom places high regard on punctuality.

It's a matter of respect. 

Ritha, the only female member present, offers me a wink of approval towards my response. I'm grateful to have her company. She's quite fond of me and close friends with my mother. 

"Our future King should never be late even by a minute," Perseus scowls. "You must have an explanation and we need to hear it. The Queen will be furious if we don't hold you accountable in her absence."

Perseus, on the contraire, is my biggest critic. He always shows distaste for me, but never says or does anything offensive enough to result in punishment.

Most nights I use his challenging nature as a way to practice maintaining composure and patience. I only have to endure him for as long as the meetings go and then I don't usually cross his path again until the next.

Eyes shift to Farouk as he strokes the length of his beard debating whether or not we should continue to delay. He folds his hands on top of the table and nods his head in agreement with Perseus. 

"Shadow was attacking servants in the stable. I went to handle the matter," I answer courtly.

"It would seem you and your steed lack self-control lately, no?" Perseus' tone reveals his annoyance.

Ritha and Karim narrow their eyes from where they sit across him while Farouk continues to stare at me. His opinion is the only I value most in the room. Despite hearing my answer he keeps his expression blank and his stern eyes unreadable. Even the sound of his heart is monotonous.

"How do you mean?" I entertain Perseus.

He drums his long, slim fingers along the edge of the table before swiping a wine glass full of blood for a quick sip.

"I speak in regards to your trigger episode that cost us the lives of five Cadomian prisoners two nights ago," he says, and swirls his glass, tilting it in my direction so I have a clear view of its contents.

Of course it is Cadomian; the only blood in our region whose scent and taste I could savor for eternity; and flavor that renders me into a euphoric state. My injuries from Shadow absorbed the entirety of my breakfast.

I manage to force back the orchestra of sounds my body longs to emit, but the effort goes to waste as I feel veins beneath my eyes rise like the swelling of a mosquito bite.

"Ah, see?" he sneers, setting his glass back down. "I'm right as usu-"

"Perseus," Karim admonishes.

Ritha swiftly appears at his side and snatches the glass from him before sending it off with a guard outside the main doors. 

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