Chapter 16: Vulnerable

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Princess Axelia

Silence looms over us as Leonidas stares at the skin of his forearms parting his lips, but not speaking a word. Another minute ticks by and his eyebrows furrow. Eventually, his eyes flicker briefly to me before glancing to the balcony.

This is the first time I've ever seen him react to sunlight. Although his skin didn't melt or burn right away, I could hear it sizzle which couldn't have been a pleasant feeling.

"I didn't know you--"

"I don't," he sharply interrupts, gaze shifting to a glare, though not directing his cold, narrow eyes at me.

His demeanor is different from how it was on the balcony.

Under the loose fabric of his shirt, his muscles are tense and he keeps clenching his jaw. I don't think I've ever seen him so unsettled.

Concern tugs at the strings of my heart.

Suddenly, he blurs to his feet making my breath catch as he briskly strides to the balcony doors sticking a hand into a sliver of light gleaming through the curtains.

Within seconds his skin emanates steam but instead of wincing, he scowls before all traces of emotion vacate his dark eyes. A faint hiss crescendos into a sizzle and curiosity draws me near to see that his skin still isn't melting from the bone, which may be a good sign.

With a small sigh, he cradles his hand to his chest under the safety of shadows.

"Do you--" a loud knock on my door cuts me off.

"Princess, are you awake?" the voice of a maid muffles through the wood. Glancing at a clock with wide eyes, I realize it's time for breakfast. "I'm coming in to start your bath," she adds and the door handle begins to turn.

Leonidas appears in front of me causing me to jump in startle.

"Don't make me kill her," he says, meaning he certainly will if he feels he has to. A few red and blue veins slithering beneath his eyes win me over.

I nod, blinking hard with a knot in my throat and he vanishes as the door opens.

"Oh good, you are awake," the young maid smiles with a bow. "Your father sent me to help get you ready for breakfast since Miss Elysse is overseeing the meal preparations."

"I'll be fine."

"Miss Elysse told me you might say that, so she instructed I insist," she giggles, skipping her way towards the bathroom.

Unsure of where Leonidas has hidden himself, I quickly run to block her path.

"I can do it myself. Please, return to the dining hall."

Her shoulders slump in surrender. "Yes, your Highness." I almost let my guard down until she pauses in her stride turning to the balcony. "At least let me shine some light in here, it's so dark," she mutters before rushing over.

"No!" I shout as her hands reach for the first curtain.

Jumping, she turns with wide eyes. "Wh-why not?"

My heart begins to pound in my chest in fear for her life. Leonidas is on edge and I'm not sure just how close he is to falling off.

I will not allow him to take a Cadomian life on our land and definitely not in our castle, the most secure place in the entire Kingdom. He will leave me no choice but to take his life in return.

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