Chapter 1

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The throne room was bathed in water color lights. Doomi Akkan, a Rodian Emperial loyalist, stood in chains around his wrists and neck. His fingers ticked against the cuffs and his eyes ran across the pillars holding up the room. He decided that knocking down three consecutive pillars would bring the whole place down, only if the guards didn't take away his utility belt.

The doors slide open, revealing a patrol of guards and the Jelucan council. Ma'vida was the first to make her presence known, taking her seat on the left of the soft golden throne that reached far into the sky. The Twi'lek raised a hand to signal her guards to stand by the pillars and wait for her command. Next was the Falleen Thel Kress, who barked orders to his guards in clear aggravation at the emergency meeting. Thel Kress took his seat to the right side of the throne.

The missing party could not be bothered to show up on time. The Queen was in the gardens, tending to the imported Kibo flowers. Her hands moved in slight motions as the flower's roots run and twist into the ground, successfully taking root. Her fingers brushed the petals, bringing more life into the plant before standing up and brushing off her dress. As the city bell rang throughout Valentia, Queen Era sighed, looking at the Kibo flowers that radiated life. "The galaxy's war is tainting Jelucan," she frowned.

As she became closer to the grand hall, the locals of Valentia crowded around the building, hoping to get a glimpse of the trial. The masses parted and silence swept over the crowd. Queen Era walked with her head held high and a soft smile gracing her features as she noticed children pointing at her and gawking at her appearance. She stopped in front of a small group of children, a human child and two Twi'lek children. The young ones stood frozen, afraid of displeasing their queen. Era knelt down and straightened one's vest and rubbing off a patch of dirt off another's cheek. She looked up to the adults in front of the children. "May I?" She asked and slightly nodded in the direction of the hall. The Twi'lek male shook his head in agreement quickly, wanting the kids to take the once in a lifetime chance. Era took two of the children's hands and urged the third one to join her as well. The doors slid open once more and the Queen stepped in followed by her people.

She eyed the Rodian in chains before completing her walk to her chair. She sat, taking the Twi'lek girl in her lap and the other two children shared her throne and sat on either side of her, absolutely ecstatic that they were the ones on the throne.

"Order!" Thel Kress shouted out and once more silence washed over the entire room. Era felt the little ones tense up in fear, looking to her for the reaction. She smiled in comfort as to ease the children once more.

"Doomi Akkan," Ma'vida strongly spoke. "You are charged with invasion of a neutral planet, causing a riot, and evading law enforcement. How do you plead?"

The Rodian laughed, clanking his chains together just to cause a ruckus. "The First Order is out for blood. I am guilty. And they're here. They'll invade, kill all of you," he yelled. "Do your worst. You'll all be dead come nightfall." Gasps of horror sounded throughout the room.

Without standing up, the Queen commanded the room. "Enough!" She noticed the children once more tensed, but eased as she wasn't focused on them. "You dare come into Valentia, threaten my people, and expect to control their fear that you instill? No. You will be locked up. You will live out the rest of your days in isolation. This is what you brought upon yourself." She waved her hand and the guards took the Rodian away.

As the doors slammed shut, a loud shot rang throughout the room, pieces of the ceiling falling into the crowd. The masses erupted into chaos. The remaining guards surged forward to corral the three royals into an escape ship. Era held onto the children desperately, telling the closest people to follow her to safety, to her ship. Only few listened. The children's parents were lost in the crowd, which caused her to tighten her grip further; she hoisted one of the kids up on her hip and taking the other two hands in her own. The screams echoed through the room as more chunks of ceiling beginning to fall. Era rushed out of the room, the children hot on her heels, and when she boarded her escape ship, there were already a large amount of people, commoners and royals alike. The ship's door hurriedly closed behind her as soon as she entered and took off.

The famed First Order ship, the Finalizer, loomed over Valentia, firing upon the golden city. Era hurled on her council members. "Did your guards forget to take his communicator?"

Ma'vida's gaze never met her, "We took his belt with all his gadgets."

Era gnashed her teeth together, letting out a snarl, "But, not his communicator. The First Order is here due to your negligence."

The transport ship entered hyper speed, selecting the planet of Crait per the Queen's request. Era grabbed a large piece of cloth blanket, fanning it out and laying it across the young one's laps. Era knelt in front of them, comfortingly holding their hands. "We'll be okay. We're going to safety."

The human boy looked at her with glossy eyes. "What about Papa? Will he be there?"

Era tried to make her smile touch her eyes. "I'll keep you safe until you can get back to him, yeah? You stay with me and I promise we'll be alright." She stood up to her full height and called out, "How soon until we land?"

"Thirty minutes, m'lady," the pilot called back. Era walked to the front of the ship and pointed to the location that she wanted to dock. "There's a base there. It's an old war story, but I'm betting anything that we can live there." 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2020 ⏰

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