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A/N: I tried to find a dress that resembled her characters clothing design within her dress, hope it works!! ^^^^
Two years later...

Ben and I stood on the top of a hill in the beautiful plains of Naboo. A lovely gazebo was sitting at the top, the marble columns and glass roof reflected beautifully on the green plains of the flower filled fields. Ben held my hand as we slowly climbed the hill, his hand behind my back as the incline was a little steep. I smiled and walked in to the gazebo, the sound of my shoes clacked against the marble floor. I walked to the far railing and looked down as a majestic lake waited on the other side, the sun reflecting off the beautiful blue water.

I leaned against the railing and felt Ben wrap his arms around me as he stood right behind me and leaned against my body.

"You know...three years ago, I wouldn't have believed this much green existed" I confessed, he chuckled softly and snuggled his head next to mine.

"Oh, how times have changed" he said softly, I smiled and nodded my head. I reached my hands up as Ben crossed his arms over my chest. I intertwined my fingers within his and felt his breath against my neck. I fiddled with the thin gold band around his ring finger, the symbol that I loved. A symbol to show he was mine and mine only.

He pressed his lips in to the side of my cheek and I giggled at the feeling. "Look" he pointed out, his finger directed toward a herd of Guarlara. I gasped at the majestic creatures, with there dark bodies and horse like figures, I watched in awe as they galloped through the rolling hills and lush fields.

"I've never seen those before" I confessed, Ben chuckled and pointed toward the animals, "well, my mother let me ride them before and let me tell you, they don't like being rode on" he explained humorously, I laughed and threw my head back. He buried his face in my neck and I yelped in delight at the funny feeling. I could feel his smile on my skin as I playfully pushed him away only to turn around and pull him back toward me.

"That wasn't funny" I pushed through my smile, lightly smacking his bicep. He just smiled warmly and charged at me, I squealed as he wrapped his arms around my thighs and threw me over his shoulder. "Ben!" I cried through my tears of laughter, I kicked my legs around and just laughed as he walked out of the gazebo and in to the bright sunlight. His hand rested on my back as he lifted me off his shoulder and slowly lowered me toward the green land below.

I laughed as my back hit the ground and Ben tried to jump on top of me. I rolled out of the way and watched as he landed in a face full of grass. I grabbed my stomach in pain because I was laughing so hard, I quickly stood up and tried to maneuver through my dress. The long, white silky fabric flowed around my legs as it was tight around my chest and waist. I hastily kicked the heels off of my feet and felt my long, dark hair fall around my shoulders and down my back. The white flowers intertwined in my hair began to delicately fall out as I yelped and started to run away from Ben as he chased me down the hill. He reached out and grabbed my wrist, yanking me back toward him and I collided with his chest. I laughed happily and looked in to his dark brown eyes, his dark hair complimenting his pale face. I giggled as I grabbed his shirt collar and dropped my body weight, he shouted in surprise as he wrapped his arms around me and we rolled down the hill.

We rolled for about a whole minute before reaching flat land and separating, we both laid in the sun and started to laugh together.

"This is not how I thought this day would go" Ben confessed, I just crawled toward him and pulled the thin veil from my head, letting it fly away in the wind.

"I wouldn't want it any other way" I said contently, he rolled over and laid on his side, resting his head on his hand and staring at me.
I smiled and copied his body, my white dress laying across the green fields. He smiled with all the joy in his heart and inched closer to me, I just laid still as he loomed over me and blocked the bright sun from my eyes. He smiled curiously at my face and I just furrowed my brow and laughed. He placed his hands on either side of my head as he steadied himself over me, the look of happiness and child-like giddiness in his eyes.

"What?" I asked playfully, he just laughed and shook his head, "nothing" he lied, I pushed out my bottom lip and made a fake sad face, "please" I begged. He smiled and I felt his playfulness fade as he just stared at me with admiration and love in his eyes.

"I just can't believe that you're my wife" he said happily, I smiled and put my hands on the side of his face.

"And I can't believe we actually got married" I confessed, he started to laugh and he lowered himself toward me. I turned my head slightly and pushed my lips against his, the feeling made my heart flutter. I smiled through our kiss and felt his lips curl in to a warm smile as well. We slowly separated from each other and I giggled like a child before springing up at him and squealing as we flipped places. I wasn't expecting him to suddenly put his hands under my arms and lift me in the air, I furrowed my brow as I admired his strength. He scooped an arm under my knees and the other under my back as he carried me like a bride. He began to carry me back toward the gazebo as I laughed about the humorous situation.

"Oh master Solo! How good it is to see you, and master Rey!" A familiar voice called, I gasped and Ben quickly dropped me as we saw the golden droid standing in the gazebo.

"3-PO!" I yelled in joy as I ran in to the gazebo and wrapped my arms around my friend, the metal clanking against my arms. "My! How fine you look!" I exclaimed, he raised his arm and pointed toward it.

"You just have noticed my replaced arm! Why yes, I feel just like my old self!" He cried, he turned his head toward Ben and although he couldn't show emotion, I sensed a smile on the droids face. "Master Solo, how fine you look. Your mother would be proud of you" he said sincerely, Ben smiled and nodded his head.

"Thank you 3-PO" Ben said sincerely, as he walked up to my side and grabbed my hand. 3-PO looked at our intertwined hands and I sensed confusion within his matrix.

"Well what's going on here?" He asked curiously, I smiled and patted the droid's shoulder.

"We just got married...today" I announced calmly, looking up at Ben and seeing pure pride in his eyes. 3-PO took a step back and gasped, "so that means...you're..." he started to piece together.

"Yes 3-PO, she's a Solo" Ben said happily, 3-PO clasped his hands together and threw them up quickly.

"Congratulations! Your mother would be so proud!" He exclaimed, he turned around and began to hobble from the gazebo, "why, I must tell R2, don't go anywhere!" He shouted as he quickly hobbled away. I laughed and faced Ben, we both shared a quick kiss before turning toward the shining lake and gorgeous sun once again.

"So...Rey Solo, what should we do next?" Ben asked happily, I just smiled and squeezed his hand.

"We live the life we've always wanted to, the life we've both desired" I said happily, Ben furrowed his brow and looked at me.

"What kind of life is that?" He asked curiously, a lovely smile on his face. I just bit my lip and stared at the lake.

"One full of family, trust and love...a lot of love" I explained happily, he planted a kiss on my forehead and smiled gleefully. "That almost sounds too good to be true" he confessed.

"That's because it is...and that's exactly why we're going to do it anyways" I reassured him, he smiled softly and nodded his head.

"Together?" He questioned, I turned to face him and took his other hand in mine. I stared in to his dark eyes and nodded my head.


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