The Dreadful Dawn

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M/n: means Male name

L/n: means Last name

H/l: means Hair length

H/c: means Hair color

F/d: means Favorite drink

F/f: means Favorite food

F/c: means Favorite color

C/n: means City name


I just shoot it without hesitation and it shrinks to s small size and can't move but is still growling "PERFECT EXCELLENT JOB M/N! I am imprest" I smile under my mouth cover and I bow "I am glad it is to your liking Mr. Black Hat," I said looking at him calmly.

M/n's POV: 

 I see he has blush on his face we both look to see some girl in the dark "AH! Hello, Miss Penumbra I will get my assistant" he snaps his fingers and Flug comes into the room on the floor as he is bowing on the floor "Morning sir, how may I be at service to-" "A client named Penumbra reached out to our organization for assistance to destroy a heroic problem" "What the poor thing can't do it herself" he said cracking his back "Ahem" "HOLY SCIENCE!" "I am not a poor thing. He just can't be responded with he always bothers me when I am trying to cover the sun. SO IT DOESNT BURN ME ALIVE!" She stretched out her arms and gets her hand burnt from it "Don't worry ma'am I always have a plan for hero's like that" Dr. Flug turns to black hat "I will not fail you M'lord Black Hat sir" he saluted "I hope so doctor for your own SAIN" Black Hat said appearing behind him and he screams scared "Take M/n with you so he can observe you" Dr. Flug nods and I follow him to the ship.

--------Time Skip-------- 

They are all trying to fight the hero Dementia is paralyzed on her left side, Flug is being crushed by 5.0.5 hugging him I roll my eyes and walked up to him casually "Sun Blast your so cool and amazing I wanted to congratulate you for your success" I said in a happy fake tone but he's too stupid to know "Thank you Citiz-" I blast him with my shink/paralyze ray I built I grab him and put him in a bottle jar "Alright everyone lets head back" I said walking to the ship and we are heading back and the screen pops up showing Black Hat himself "I see you are coming back you musst be FINISHED!" He yells at me with an evil smirk but I am still not faced "Of course Mr. Black Hat. He is right here" I said showing him the glass bottle with a paralyzed hero inside "Oh you got him," Penumbra said looking at the camera "Of course I will bring him to you personally Miss Penumbra. See" showing her the hero "Yay I am so glad you got him, see you soon," she said "Can't wait to show you in person" "Can't wait" Black Hat sneered but still didn't affect me. We arrived at the mansion and I go to Black Hat's office "One defeated hero for Miss Penumbra" "Finally, You and I are going to have a long conversation" "Nooo" the hero says still paralyzed "Your assistant did a great job now I can use Sun Blast power to create an antidote for my condition. How can I repay you with such great service" she says supper happy. Black Hat has a frown on his face then it turns into a smirk he holds a piece of paper and she signs at the bottom "A pleasure doing business with you Miss Penumbra. Now LEAVE!" she walks over grabbing the jar "Heheh goodbye" she then disappears into the darkness Black Hat turns his head toward us "You three did an exceptionally MEDIOCRE PERFORMANCE! HOW DARE YOU FAIL TO DEFEAT A LOW LIFE HERO TO DEFEAT YOU THREE!!" He said getting bigger hovering over them "So, What's the plan doc?" There is a long pause "Run" and they all ran away from him when he got cooled down he shrunk to his normal size "M/n you did an exceptionally good job for taking that hero out so easily I am impressed by your performance," he said taking a seat at his desk "It was no big deal, Mr. Black Hat. I just did it because they couldn't do it" I said to him and he nods his head "You may leave for the day M/n" I nod my head and gave him a card with my number on it "Call me if you need anything Mr. Black Hat" I said with a bow and I left his office with his face green. I walked home which isn't the nicest house but it's cheap. I change into some comfortable clothes which are fancy.

(Pretend the right hand is a black glove)

(Pretend the right hand is a black glove)

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I head out the door but run into Black Hat there "Oh! Good afternoon Mr

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I head out the door but run into Black Hat there "Oh! Good afternoon Mr. Black Hat. How may I serve you with honoring me with your presents" I said while bowing at him he blushes and clears his throat "I was only wondering where you lived" he said in a huff crossing his arms against his chest "I see well if you wish to accompany me on a walk through the town if you are not busy" I said looking down at him and he looks up at me with blush on his face "I suppose I can go with you on your walk through the town" he said looking to the right with his eye closed "Shall we go Mr. Black Hat" I said to him he nods his head and we start to walk around not paying attention that the people are giving me and him walking around the town until someone decides to interrupt our peaceful time walking. 

Hope You Enjoyed!

Words: 1010

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