Getting out of dodge

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So you were as you are always. fucked in every sense of the word.

After 12 hours you managed to escape the rapist 999 and explored around town. A vivid flash of memory came to you. You member how you got here


You were staring at the monster in awe. It was Cthulhu with a bust the size of bowling balls and thighs that make Thor's hammer look like a bitch.

Y/N: "hapa-mapla- c-cute làaaaaaaa"

Cuthulu: "aw how cute! I should take him home!!"

Scp 049: "or yknow you could back off wench or I shall distill upon you the most vile curse I've been brewing! I call it the chrona virus! He's mine to toy with and .... ooooh! my mind and body shudder at the  thought! I would use him so-"

A blond haired man seemingly popped from no where and instantly grabbed onto Y/N breaking him out of his euphoric state.

Y/N: "I feel as if I died came back as a child and had sex again for the first time.... The fuck was that!?"

The man next to Y/N was a Caucasian male with blond hair and a long fur coat on. His eyes seemingly darted around the room as he grabbed Y/N and held a gun up to his head.

Y/N: "should I tell him or-"


Y/N: "ya see about that- oh and I'm being ignored."

???- "oh shit not again not so so-"

And then it was dark. You teleported in the sun and he looked up. You both melted he shot you as he was melting. It ruptured your brain as you tried to piece yourself back together as one with regenerative ability does. It so happened that he hit your memory bank.

Y/N: "oh well at least I know how I got here. GREAT INFORMATION THAT DOES FLIP DICK NOTHING. Whatever least he got what he deserved."

Another man tackled Y/N upon further inspection it seems the man was completely covered. He made Y/N breathe in a highly advanced version of chlorophenol. It knocked out Y/N for 3 minutes.

You awoke in a dark room.

Y/N:" I'm sick of all this damn railroading. I got practically kidnapped then raped then kidnapped again. I wish I was strong because if I had slightly more muscle mass I Wouldn't BE FUCKED EVERY SECOND!"

*God in a room: oh hey Y/N is here. Neat.*

???: "Calm the fuck down and stop raging like a Xbox player on bathsalts."

Y/N: " you sound... Like a bitch? And somehow familiar...."

The masked man takes off his mask hat and turns on a light. All too familiar eyes and hair is Infront of you. Its you but not you at the same time. This you seems to have a beard and a distinct scar on his face. How? You got no fucking clue and aren't willing to find out.

Y/N(old):" so time travel or dimension hopping?"

Y/N(new): "um wait wha-"

Y/N(old) "did I stutter?"

Y/N(new)" did you? Did I? What's the wording for this?"

Y/N(old)" I'ma fucking kill myself...."

Y/N(new)" which one?"

Y/N(old): *internal agony* BOTH

Y/N(new):" well so isn't there more of us? Also Isn't there more of me in general? And I can't really die that easily."

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