oneshot 1. the lady from the red lake.

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You all know the red lake right? The lake that goes to another world entirely? Well it grew a "body".

My name is d-class 983 or jhon.
I am being asked forcibly to write this report to the 05 council.

It all started when I entered the room and a figure of red flowed up from the lake. Normally a creature would come from the red lake, however this girl? Girl, from the tits I assume. She was slimy and huge, at least 10 feet and had a figure of an hourglass. Her slime was red and she didn't have nipples, her hair was long and let down except the hair was just there as if it was just another layer and still slime. I don't know what succubus shit is happening but I had to talk to her for my life. I walked close and my two guards accompanying me. We got near the edge until they both left and they handed me a clip board a note book and a pen. There were questions to awnser.

Then she spoke. I'ma call her red for the sake of my sanity.

Red: my what nice green eyes you have. And such nice black hair!

Jhon: thank you miss red Riding Hood. Now may I ask you some questions?

Rex: so rude.... I've been so alone for so long and this is how you treat me? Maybe I should sic a pet on you? But that would be a waste.... Fine what are your questions?

Jhon: number 1 what is your intention?

Red: right now? Murder of this foundation.

Jhon: can't be the first I'm guessing. A shame too there so nice aren't they?

Red: ah a like mind individual! So nice. Too bad you'll be a snack soon.

Jhon: yadda yadda second question. Why have you taken on this form?

Red: to communicate. Apparently though it has other purposes. You know them don't you? Your third leg seems to agree.

Jhon: please refrain from per-permiscu- don't flirt with me please. I just wanna live through the day.

Red: ah so do we all. We all want life and death craves us all. What do you want jhon? A wife? A life? You are the most interesting thing here. Out of everything I've met you are..... Normal average and, you know I wanted to learn about humans. Ah yes I have found a solution!

I was then.... Taken as you know for a good 4 was weird. As she dragged me down into the pit I thought I would've suffocated but I was protected apparently. At first she left me and observed. I didn't know she could control the place or maybe was apart of it. I used a axe I found from a tent that had a tree smashed on it to cut the trees make a house and live life. Apparently the animals were edible and some water was clean. I drank from a pond I found. Then one day at the weekly re watering I needed to live she popped out of the pond. She offered me 3 choices. 1 a game of tag. If she got me I would be killed unless I escape to here again. 2 that we can fight and I die or 3 I take her home with me. I choose 3 because im not fucking stupid. I regretted my decision later. It turns out that she was looking for some husband Material. She was distant at first. Then she got cosier and started making more moves on me.

It was soothing honestly. Who knew a monstrosity or abomination could be so nice! Obvious sarcasm because im not prone to Stockholm syndrome. Apparently she enjoyed it vastly more than i did. I refused many advances however. Because yknow I'm not a fucking retar- wait what? I can't use yknow? Why? Its just a audio- fine fine. Okay so you know because im not retar- I shouldn't use vulgar language? Oh mother-in-law

The audio stops and then resumes shortly after

Fine fine I get it. Anyway I'm not crazy so I refused her. I saw her out of the corner of my eye alot. She started watching me alot. Like alot alot. Every move step and breath.

Then she she- she uh,she kissed me. I liked it I guess? I never really talked to chicks until one convicted me. Apparently I raped her. Which is complete bullshit by the way. Now I'm in this shi- ....... "Sinking ship"

Whatever I liked it enjoyed it. But something still felt off. So I explored while she was gone. I told her to get me some food cause I was hungry. I found something under the house. It was a shrine dedicated to love. A love bed chains gags and a drug of some kind in a syringe. It definitely wasnt for sexual stimulant. It had imm- and then the rest was scratched off. I turned around and there she was. It seemed she increased her..... Ahem "bust and bonefied hips" even bigger. Something you'd see in a hentai really. She had hearts in her eyes. Like literally. She pushed me down and started melting my clothes. I thought "this is it. I'm about to be killed by absorbed into a demon lake lady" then a pleasant sensation was felt on my [ REDACTED ] ******************************************************************************************

I layed there a layer of slime on my bare skin. I fell asleep. That was the routine for 3 years and 11 months. Then i mapped out my surroundings. I wanted out. I didn't want this but she surely did. It was nice but I like to I like video games and other people!  I got out and swam. It was weird apparently after surviving for so long in there I was used to the pressure. Then I came to here. That's all I know

???: Ahem thank you jhon. We will splice and file this to 05 council. You will be treated as a scp until further notice as of your condition. Guards escort him to his containment cell.

File report 73

Scp 354 made a monster from the lake again. This time it was completely invulnerable and invincible. It grabbed scp 354-2 "jhon" and dragged him back into the lake. Several personnel tried apprehending both scp 354 and scp 354-2. Later in the day the words TO DEATH DO US PART was written in the lake. 

And that about does it for today. Thank you for listening and goodbye.  ( Brownie points if you get the reference)

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