7.Hang out time!

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Marks P.O.V.

I was on the sofa with Jack, he was asleep. So cute if only he was mine...I was about to go to sleep but the I herd a moan from Jack....."Mark~...Yes~." Jacks moans are so...Hot....how can a moan be so cute and sexy, it turned me on.

The only thought in my mind was: Was he having a wet dream about me! I blushed and just brushed it off and laid my head down on the sofa...It was a big sofa, so Jack was all the way on the other side so we didn't have to cuddle. 

Then after a few moments I fell asleep.

Jacks P.O.V.

I woke up from the best dream, Mark was.....Yeah, and....Why was I dreaming about that, I never even liked Mark, why do I now?  I got up off the sofa to wake Mark, and that's when I felt something wet and worm in my pants and my member as hard as stone.

I looked at Mark wide eyed, and then I saw he was asleep and everything drifted away. I stared to walk over to my bedroom to change when I felt a hand grab my wrist, it was Mark..."You ok, when are we going to hang out with the guys"? I ran over to my bedroom and slamed the door behind me and yelled out, "I'LL TALK TO FELIX AND SEE WHAT TIME WE ARE GOING, SORRY I JUST NEED TO CHANGE AND YES IM OK"! I rushed to my closet and herd Mark say "Ok, sorry buddy.". 

When I was ready to come out of my bedroom I looked at myself, I was in some black plan skinny jeans, same black shoes, a black cloak t-shirt and a plan blue hoddie, and a new pars of boxers after I cleaned up the 'mess' from last night. 

I walked out of my bedroom to the Livingroom to see Mark siting on the sofa on his phone, he looked up at me and smirked at me and said, "Enjoy your dream last night?".OH SHIT!! I blushed a dark red and put my back too the wall and looked down at the floor.

"You ware moaning out my name Sean, and saying things like 'More', 'Daddy', 'O-oh yes' and so on...So tell me about it.". 

I blushed even more when he called me by my real name, "C-can we n-not talk about it n-now.". He droped it and nodded and went back to playing on his phone. I walked over and sat all the way on the other side of the sofa. "Jack, who was your 'daddy' in your dream?" he said and looked up and me with a cocky smirk, "SHUT THE FUCK UP"! I yelled at him, almost at the top on my lungs. He laughed, "Some ones shy..." he said under his berth. 

My phone went off, so I checked it to see that Felix texted me.

Felix: Jack you can come at 2pm or something its like 1:35pm so you have 25 minutes left to bring your ass over here, oh and how was your dream?

Jack: What?

Felix: how was your dream?

Jack: What are you talking about?

Felix: Mark told me.

Jack: Me and Mark are gonna be thare in 10 minutes so get ready to get your ass beat up by Jackaboy...

Felix: Ok now im just waiting for an answer from you.


Felix: Ok fine, see ya later.

I got up from the sofa and asked Mark "You ready to go, Markimoo?", he nodded and got up from the sofa as well and walked to the front door and opened it, I followed him out to my car and got in the drivers seat.

When I was driving out of my driveway he asked me, "Sean, can you just tell me?". I didn't want to tell him but I was hiding my feels from him for ever, my fans were right....I was going crazy for Mark and all of them can see it.

"Yes, I enjoyed my dream Markimoo.". 

I pulled into Felix's driveway and got out the car and Mark did the same. we locked eyes for a minute and the he said something that made me blush a deep, deep cherry red.

"I enjoyed the noise's you made, fuck boy".


Hewo I don't have anything to say so bye XD



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