Chapter 2

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Axel's POV

I have never known that walking in a hallway could be so unnerving and irritating. Everybody is staring at me with curiosity. I used to be proud of being stared at until a couple of days ago. I used to strut in the Academy with my Phoenix uniform on. Everybody looked at me with respect and dread. In the end they saw what I had done in the auditions. I am not proud of pushing that girl subtly who were running a bit faster than me. However, in the auditions there was no precise set of rules which would hinder me from causing that ebony haired girl to sprinkle her ankle. Actually, there was no rules. So I decided to do what I had to do and become a monster instead of a loser in front of the judges. As soon as I caught a glimpse of the glance full of hatred and disgust in those blue eyes of the girl, I averted my gaze ruefully.

Since my first day in the Legion, I have worked more than anyone with the aim of becoming a sergeant instead of a new recruit. I was at the top of our strategy and shooting classes. I stayed late at nights in the gym to bring my martial skills to perfection. All of the instructors were pleased with me and I was intuiting that the authority also kept  tabs on me. So, on the day of my first day in a field mission on the first day of the new semester, I was both anxious that I could disappoint everyone and antsy because I finally got the chance to show off the results of my hard work. 


We get on a pickup and start to move towards the fence where our ferry awaits. The mission requires crossing the River and entering the dark face of our glamorous city. Being raised by a couple of successful politicians in Cardinal gave me a chance to overhear things that I was not supposed to. I overheard my mom and dad arguing with colleagues all the time. I overheard their phone calls which caused the flow of money which helped the poor to be cut. I witnessed the moment which they decided to murder a scientist couple and their daughter. My parents never let me see their vulnerability after those bothersome decisions but I somehow knew that they felt culpable because they had to be the ones who make the choices as if they are gods. While I was 9 years old, at a night which my parents were the host to a meeting, I made a promise to myself. I will never be like those people who think they are superiors to other people from Outside. I will have the power to correct mistakes in this city that are done in the past and rule both Cardinal and Outside fairly and in dignity. 

I have never been a spoiled brat like most of my peers and I never wanted the efforts of my parents to raise me into a man with ideals go to waste. I always tried to be the best and make them proud of me. 

During the journey, some of the privates sitting at the other side of the truck keep making fun of people we passed by. I clench my fist in a way that my knuckles turn white. I don't want to cause commotion but the redhead sitting across me just doesn't know how to shut up. Teaching him is very tempting, to say the least. The guy next to me who has a scar on his face which looks quite mature realizes my gesture and raises his eyebrows at me with a quizzical stare. Even though I have never seen him in the Academy before, I feel like I can trust him. In the end he hasn't tried to make meaningless small talk with me -I hate those uncomfortable exchanges- and hasn't blessed me with an idiotic comment about these people living in the other side of River yet. 

I point out the two sitting across. He shakes his head disapprovingly. My lips curl into a small smile. I am great at educated guessing. I quickly peek at his badge and it reads James. I have heard of his name before. He is called  the "Scarface" among privates. I once eavesdropped a conversation between two of my instructors and they were praising him. He must be quite impressive, I guess. 

"Dude, we will catch the plague. I didn't know we would be dealing with trash when I signed my name up for the auditions." One of the two said to the other which I recognized from one of the extravagant dinners I joined with my parents.

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