Chapter 12

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I was having breakfast with a few other mentors I know from my Strategy classes when one of the greenies called out for us. I quickly ran to the sleeping quarter and saw the little crowd gathering around Alicia and a muscular guy. I approach Alicia since she is under my responsibility in case of an emergency.

"Are you okay?" I ask. Even I can't recognise my voice which sounds so... concerned. She looks puzzled by my tone as well.

"Yes, I am but aren't you here to chastise me?" She winces as if she regrets the words coming off of her mouth.

"Is there a reason for me to chastise you? I look around and notice the split eyebrow of the muscular guy. His mentor tries to stop the bleeding without holding back his laughter.

"I thought you were stronger than that, Nixon. Did you really let that little girl beat the shit out of you?"

I feel Alicia tense. Her jaw clenches and she steps forward as if she wants to jump on Nixon's mentor. Just as she was about to say something, I stop her by gripping her arm.

"Don't. Just calm down and never mind Eric. He has always been a loud mouth. You just grow get used to it by time. Also, if you attack him, you wouldn't get away with just a chastisement since he is senior to you."

For a moment she looks like she wants to punch me as well but then her face softens and she says, "Thank you for stopping me from doing something I would regret. However, I don't need your protection." She gets out of my grip. I grin at her.

"Don't worry. I can see that." I say and point out to Nixon. "I am glad." she says barely holding back her smile. I shout after her,

"I won't be at the Great Hall today but make sure that you're on time for the Assignments, greenie."


In the geography lesson, I can't fight the smile that was permanent on my face as if it was glued. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Daniel and Brandon elbowing each other and snickering. I raise one eyebrow at them to ask them what is causing them to act like toddlers. As soon as they see that I have caught them, they shrug and reply simultaneously, "It's nothing."

"You know that I no longer buy your shit. I can tell when you are lying and when you are not."

Brandon takes a deep breath and starts talking.

"Alright, I am not going to keep my opinions to myself anymore"

"Me neither." Daniel says giving me a knowing smile. "What are your opinions? Please enlighten me with the outrageous products of those brilliant minds." I ask them in a bored tone.

"You have caught feelings for Alicia", Bran tells me. I shake my head at him not wanting to believe a word he has just spoken but deep down knowing the truth.

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