Chapter 13

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It is really hard to suck at something you excel in. Since the day I set feet on the "wrong" side of the river, I've had to fight my way in the Riverdown. So when I see a sandbag in front of me, I punch it better than others -even most of the boys- due to my experience and technique. Unfortunately, although Hunter thinks I am a bit attention-seeking, drawing attention of my supervisors is the last thing I want to do in the Academy. You could say it is a bit late for that. My supervisors and all of the mentors are already bewildered by my performance that took place in my first day. I swear to God, I wasn't trying to put on a show. My survival instinct kicked in the moment Nixon dived in for an attack like a rabid dog asking persistently for his own defeat.

I'm also a fucking superstar among all of the greenies -except Nixon's lap dogs-, just not the type that is showered with flowers after concerts. The only thing I would be showered with in the close future is probably kicks and punches. Nixon, Drew and Angelo shoot me venomous daggers with their eyes. How I wish I let Nixon beat the shit out of me that day. In the end, I would get rid of the attention and I wouldn't have saved myself from a lot of problems. Yes, I managed to give Nixon his lesson. However, I probably won't stand a chance against an angrier Nixon and his several followers who are just as muscular as he is if not. Actually, I would love to learn if the techniques Hunter taught me would be enough to beat them. Fluidity and sophisticated fighting skills against pure muscle strength and rashness. That would put on a hell of a show, Hunter would claim.

After I'm done with my personal training, I try to find someone to train in pairs. Then, I see Hailey drinking from her bottle. Her eyes are all over the place as well. I walk over to her with confident steps and extend my hand to her.

"I'm Alicia Rivers."

She rolls her eyes and says in a sarcastic tone, "Well, I didn't know that." It's my turn to roll my eyes now. "Ok, alright. I will skip the introductions. I came here to offer you to be my partner in dual training. Would you like that?" And with that I point out my still extended hand to her.

She looks startled but grabs my hand anyways. She then talks under her breath, "I have no idea what I have myself got into."

"Don't worry," I tell her, "I am not a monster. Only a bit psycho, I guess."

"Then, I assume we are going to be best friends." Agreed. 

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