Chapter 8

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I expected her to be smarter than talking to Jack. I felt so disappointed the moment I saw her hand on that asshole's shoulder. That was why I procrastinated approaching her and guiding her on the way to the Examination Room she will take the Test. However, when she approached us, I saw what I had seen in her during the races. She was fierce and determined. Not the flirty, clingy girl she was just moments ago. I can't decide which persona is real and I am looking forward to unraveling her shell.

"Are you trying to get me kicked out due to tardiness even before I get in?"

I look up at her, startled to hear her speak. I knit my eyebrows in a way that I'm sure I look like a retarded fool. Damn! Pull your shit together Ax, I chastise myself.

"Sorry if I failed to clarify who I am to you, newbie."

"Oh, pardon me, sir." she ends her sentence with a mocking bow. The hatred I see deep down in her expression. It catches me on the wrong foot. "Would you be kind enough to spell it out for me?"

"Of course," I smile through gritted teeth. "It would be such a pity if I stripped a newbie of a good life lesson." I take a step closer towards her not breaking eye contact.

She looks uncomfortable but refuses to take a step back.

"If you want to be more than a fucking puppet that likes of Jack manipulate, you should be more subtle. Maybe even more than you are observant. 'Cause you are a natural at grabbing attention, ..." I look down at her badge as if I haven't already memorised her name "... Alicia."

We stand like that in the middle of the corridor for a while and I take a step back with a small cough. She doesn't open her mouth to come back at me with a witty response for the rest of the walk.

She clears her throat when it's time for her to enter the Examination Room.

"So," she says and starts fiddling with her fingers. "Any more last minute advice for this newbie?"

"Just be yourself. I can tell you have much of a fighter in there." I point at her chest.


As I wait in front of the door, I take a moment to take my environment in. Fortunately, I spot Brandon is waiting a few meters down the corridor in front of the No:4. He notices the strange expression on my face.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"Nothing. It's just that I am bored."

He raises one eyebrow and smiles knowingly. "I don't think so, Ax. I think you have another problem. A rather new problem. And to be more precise, a problem with freezing grey eyes."

"Shut up, Bran! Don't be ridiculous. I just don't want to see the broken expression on the majority of these nominees."

"Are you worried about them all or just the fierce one you are assigned to."

"Why don't you go get yourself a life instead of psychoanalyzing me all the time, Brandon Freud?" I retort.

He raises his hands in a defensive manner. I think he will drop it but of course I'm wrong. He grins from one ear to another as if he has just come up with the most brilliant idea of the millennium.

"You know what? You two would suit each other. Both cold, intimidating and fierce? Don't you think so?"

I don't even bother looking his way. I shouldn't have let Daniel and Bran hang out together without me. I officially handed Daniel a chance to create a clone of himself of in the sense of uttering nonsense all the time.


The door opens behind me and both me and Bran stand there dumbfounded. How did she finish the Test so fast?

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