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" how strange
to dream of you
even when
i am wide awake."


"SO, HE SENT YOU A LOVE LETTER?" andy questioned again as he led down on her embroidered quilt, his arm propped behind his head as he entertained himself by throwing a ball up, watching it get smaller as it got close to the ceiling, before plummeting towards his face again.

"well, it wasn't exactly a love letter. he was just asking for my name." the girl replied simply, shrugging her shoulders as she joined him.

"i didn't even know people still wrote letters these days." he scorned, a small laugh escaping his mouth.

"andy. we wrote letters not too long ago." she replied, snickering. "that was when you lived thousands of miles away!"

they both chuckled together as they continued to watch the ball fly up, before gravity hurled it back down.

"i mean, does he not have the courage to actually speak to you?" he added. turning over onto his stomach to properly face her, propping up his chin on his hands.

"i actually kinda like the mystery of it all." she replied sweetly, disregarding his actual question, and it wasn't just that. the romance of it all enticed her, which almost made her feel sick. she had never been inlove, the concept of it all scared her. why risk yourself getting broken when you don't even know how to fix yourself after?

he rolled his eyes, another chuckle escaping from him. "typical you."

the eager girl reciprocated the blonde boys actions, she wrote him the letter and placed it in his letterbox, making sure she did it while he was not there, because she didn't know how close she would be able to come to him before feeling weak at the knees. she may be confident but he seemed so overpowering. but she didn't mind that either.

however, it had been a few days, and she hadn't received a letter back from him; although it didn't bother her too much, she knew that he must have a life aswell, but she would be lying if she said she didn't have a sense of disappointment pulling at her.

how can someone write a letter, get a response, and then just not reply back? doesn't that defeat the whole point? she recalled.

suddenly she is brought back to reality by andy's hand waving in front of her face as he calls out her name, making sure to draw out the sounds of it so he could get her attention back to the real world.

"thought you died in there for a second."

"i-" but as she was about to reply, their conversation was interrupted by a cars engine and the loud sound of music coming from its radio as it drove up the street. after exchanging confused looks with eachother, both teenagers decided to investigate the situation.

they remained behind her white, silk curtain, making sure not to look too obvious about their curiosity.

of course, it was the boy next door, driving up the street in his white convertible, music blaring, his arm slung nonchalantly over the side of the car, with one hand on the wheel, she could notice his golden locks from anywhere, a pair of black sunglasses sat across his face.

"you didn't tell me he looked like james fucking dean." andy protests, causing her to roll her eyes, but suddenly they fell on the passenger side of the car. a girl sat next to him, with a short blonde bob cut, and pale skin, her face twisted in confusion. brushing off the odd feelings she now held in her chest, she noticed another male sat behind the drivers seat, he was dark haired and had a cigarette hanging from his mouth.

BLUE JEANS.   ( r.phoenix )Where stories live. Discover now