Chapter 26

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Tharn almost lost his consciousness when he, Forth, Max and Tul succeeded breaking through the room where Type was. He only saw a lot of blood on the white sheet as well as on the floor. His feet gave up on supporting his weight instantly.

His heart almost leapt out of his chest when his eyes fell upon the lean figure that sprawled on the bed. The blood was surely coming from Puifai's since she was the only one lying on the bed.

Tharn scanned the room to search for the man he had been looking for. His heart was smashed into pieces when he failed to find Type in the room.

Tharn's gaze fell to the blood lines that were on the floor. Those lines led to the bathroom as if someone had dragged something into it.

A glimpse of hope entered his mind as he thought his husband was inside the bathroom. But the next thing that registered to his mind was the possibility of Type being assaulted there.

"...Shit, Tharn, I think your girl is dead..." Max blurted out suddenly when he saw Puifai was unconscious with a lot of blood.

Tharn winced hearing that comment. Firstly, because hearing Puifai was being dead in this situation was absolutely disturbing. He couldn't help but feeling guilty.

And the second reason was simply because Max still thought Puifai was his girlfriend. Tharn hadn't said a word to his friends regarding his break up. But Forth had known about that fact without having Tharn to say so. He just knew. That's his nature.

Tul was the one kicking Max in the shin, "Shut the hell up if you can't say something nice! Or better, help her before she's dead for real!"

Max didn't wait for long before he carried Puifai in his hands. His clothes were smeared with the blood but who would even get a time to think about that.

Max and Tul left to bring Puifai to the hospital while Forth and Tharn stayed.

Tharn was still helplessly sitting and staring into the empty air when Forth threw his side to push the bathroom door, "Shit, it's locked." He cussed after the first try.

Tharn finally got his sense back and came to join Forth in opening the door. The second try failed miserably. But they tried again and again until it was finally pushed opened on the 5th try.

Tharn rushed to his husband immediately who was curling under the shower. He hugged Type tightly to calm him. The younger guy was trembling badly.

"Sssshhhh..... Ssssshhhhh..... Type.... It's okay... It's me, Tharn... It's okay..." Tharn whispered those words in Type's ears. He could not hold his tears anymore, Tharn started to sobbed silently while deepening his embrace.

Type suddenly stopped shivering and drooped in his hands. Tharn went panic as he started to shake Type to wake him up but the other guy kept his eyes shut. Tharn called Type for so many times but they were all unanswered since Type had lost consciousness.

Tharn didn't let himself drown in fear and anxiety, he lifted up Type on his back and brought him out of the bathroom.

Before Tharn went away, Forth said, "My men have cleared the surroundings, but don't let your guard down."

Tharn nodded and dashed to save Type. He couldn't be late any more second or Type would be gone forever.

Once Tharn had gone, Forth pulled out the plastic gloves from his pocket and wore it on his hands. He had worn his cap and masker.

Forth slowly strode around the room and scanned every inch of it with his sharp eyes. He didn't let any spot slipped from his hawk eyes. He rummaged and searched slowly until his eyes finally found 3 micro cameras placed in different corner.

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