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Stefan Salvatore walked into Mystic Falls High as if it was an everyday thing for a vampire and a guardian to a kid of eleven to do .

It wasn't his first day of school here . He'd come here yesterday and met Elena Gilbert and later he met her friends .

It was hard to even talk to a girl that looked so much like his little Ella.

Ella, his sweet little girl Ella . He missed her so much already . Christmas felt so very far away.

Why'd he let her go ?. Why'd he let her out of his sight ?.

Was it to ,well, live his own life again for once?.

All Stefan knew was that he had come to Mystic Falls for Elena Gilbert and not Rachella Morgan who'd been under his care for so long.

Still . He missed the little girl's laughter in the house , even Zach seemed to miss her .

Zach who couldn't even raise his own kid because of Damon who was getting out of control now .

He was threatening Elena Gilbert and this town .

Was he retaliating against him ,Stefan, who send Ella away to that boarding school ?.

He didn't know ,but what he did know is that Damon had something suspicious that he was hiding .

He frowns as he passes Tyler Lockwood and Matt Donovan .

Matt didn't like him and he understood why . Matt used to be Elena's boyfriend .

This was all so messed up . What was he thinking coming back to Mystic Falls?.

Bad, bad idea . Just like the idea of bringing Ella along .

All thoughts seems to come back to Ella .

He really , really missed her .

He couldn't wait till Christmas . If he could he'd go see her at that school right now ,but Damon was wreaking havoc again and he was the only one who could stop it .

So , he couldn't leave . Not even for Ella who was safe and sound where she was now . Safe with her own kind .

Her first few weeks of school passes by like a dream .
With her fellow first year Gryffindors she attends many new and exciting classes like Herbology and Transfiguration to name two of them .

She'd been sorted into Gryffindor by a hat no less  afterwards people had stuffed themselves with every sort of food imaginable . Ron the most .It looked like he would never become full.

Ron and Harry was also in Gryffindors ,though ,they didn't even care about  her being there   . It was like she hadn't shared a compartment with her .

Hermione Granger the bushy haired bossy girl   had spoken to her a few times ,but hadn't bothered making friends with her . The other two girls in the Gryffindor first year girls' dormitory had spoken to her ,but just like Hermione they just wasn't interested in being her friend. So ,once again Ella had no friends .Even though she acted like it didn't bother her ,it did . Her hope for this school year was vanishing like mist  before the Sun.

Today was Friday and the last two classes was Double Potions with Professor Snape .

The man looked like he never washed his black oily hair and he swept around the dungeon room, that the school called a class and she called some bizarre freezing Deathtrap, like a big bat .

Well, nobody died as of yet ,but Ella was sure someone would if their cauldrons weren't so warm .

She'd gotten a letter from Stefan this morning . He was alright . Zach was fine and Damon was too.

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