Ch. 24- Adoption is an Option

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A/N: HOLY MOLEY its been soooo long since I have uploaded. I have had a rough couple of months. I have moved to a new city this summer and I went on a huge road trip. I just started my junior year of HS and I am getting use to my new school. So I have made this chapter kinda long:) Thanks so much for sticking with me:) LOVE all of you

xoxox- Jess


A few minutes of crying in the bathroom I heard a knock on the bathroom door.

“Ren, what’s wrong, I hear crying”. Brian spoke softly.

“I’m (sniff), not okay (sniff).” I started to cry again.

“Can I come in Ren?”

“Sure” I spoke trying not to cry harder.

Brian slowly opened the door. He first looked at me and then to the object in my hand. He got a worried look on his face.

“Renesmee, Is that..?” He tried to say the word.

“Yes” I quickly spoke.

“What… does… it say...?” Brian stuttered.

“Positive” I started to cry again.

“Ren, we will handle this. I promise you that this will be okay.” He bent down and grabbed me and put me on his lap. He started to cradle me and rock me. I pushed my head into his chest. I started to cry even more.

I seriously didn’t know how to react to this situation. Should I cry even more, or should I put on a brave face and deal with it like a grown up woman?

After a few minutes passed, I got up and walked to the bedroom. Brian followed behind me. I grabbed some pajamas and started getting ready for bed. I know it was only 5pm but I felt like I needed to sleep this off. Brian gave me a kiss on the cheek and closed the door behind him.

I quickly fell asleep.


I woke up around 2 a.m. the next morning. Brian wasn’t in bed. I got a confused look on my face. I pushed the blanket away from me and got out of bed. I slowly walked to the door. I walked into the living room and noticed Brian sleeping on the couch.

‘Why was he sleeping out here?’ I thought.

I then realized that he wanted me to have my space and my time to think things over. I didn’t know what I was going to do. I never thought I would even have this happen to me. I was half vampire. Brian didn’t even know me. He didn’t know my past or my story. How could I care for a baby when I was still a baby myself? I began to think of the options. Adoption? Foster Care? Keep it? ...Abortion? No I could never do that to a baby. I was probably going to do an adoption.

I didn’t even know how I was going to explain this to my mother or my FATHER. My father would probably kill me. This was not going to be a good first impression of Brian. My parents were coming in only 2 days. I had to prepare for this upcoming weekend.

I finally went back to the bedroom and fell asleep again.

Brian came into the room about 10 am with breakfast. I woke up and stared at him intensely.

“Good morning beautiful” He smiled.

“Good morning.” I spoke half awake.

“Did you sleep alright my darling?”

“It was okay; I woke up in the middle of night and noticed your absence.” I spoke.

“I didn’t want to disturb you. I have come to the conclusion I won’t sleep with you anymore till you.” He said sadly.

“No, no it’s fine. I’m fine.” I answered.

He smiled and put the breakfast down on the bed. He walked over and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I really liked this guy. I was holding back though. It wasn’t fair for him to be with me. I was lying to him and I wasn’t showing my true self to him.

I smiled and thanked him. He waved and said he had to go to work. I nodded and began eating my breakfast.

When I was done, I grabbed the dishes and walked out to the kitchen. I started on the dishes and began cleaning the house. I needed this house clean for my parents. They needed to have a good first impression of Brian, my new boy friend. 

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