Ch. 12- On the Road

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A/N... Hey guys I know its been well over a month but here is the next chapter, if you want I'll upload tomorrow with the next one, just cuz i made you guys wait. 

N E way hope you guys like this chapter 


Ch. 12- On the Road

Nessie's POV

Alice and I walked down the stairs to find that everyone was ready to go and were heading to the cars. My eyes were wandering all over the place to find Jake. Dad looked over at me and pointed to the Volvo. I nodded and ran outside to find Jacob swearing. I giggled and walked over to him.

"Jake, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Edward is letting me drive the Volvo but I can't seem to figure out how to start it. It's so complex."

I gestured him to get out.

I sat down in the driver's seat and pushed the "key" button and pushed on the clutch and put the car in drive.

"There you go Jake; you just have to remember to push the "key" button."

I started to laugh.

"Thanks Ness, now get into the passenger side. Your parents said it's just going to be you and me on the way there."

I looked at him like he was joking.

"But what about Brittany and Zack? Who are they going to ride with?" I looked puzzled.

"They are going to ride with your parents in your mother's car. So were covered alright." Jake said.

I walked over to the other side of the car and got in. Jake turned his head and smiled. I looked over at him and giggled. His smile turned into a frown.

"What did I do wrong Ness?" He asked.

"Nothing I just love your smile." I answered back.

He leaned in and kissed my lips for a brief second. I leaned back. He looked upset. I grabbed his head and pulled him back. I could taste his warm breath in my mouth. He seemed like he didn't want to let go. I had to remind him that my dad was listening and that we had to leave.

He let go and started the car again. I was so tired that I fell asleep.

Jacob's POV

Nessie looks so peaceful when she sleeps it's like she is an angel that was sent down from heaven just for me. I'm glad she has the same feelings for me like I do to her. *Ring... Ring... Ring...* my phone buzzed.

"Hello!" It was Edward.

"Hello, Jacob... How are things going with Nessie?" He asked concerned.

"She's alright, she's sleeping actually."

"Oh great... well were almost to Alaska. So we'll be at the Denali's soon." Edward sounded very hopeful.

I hung up and started to shake Nessie. She peeked her eyes open and grunted then closed them again.

"Nessie you gotta wake up... were in Alaska. We just need to talk to the Denali Coven and get something to eat. How 'bout Taco Bell does that seem appetizing?" I asked making a huge grin.

I just loved Taco Bell. Nessie on the other hand preferred blood. I could live on Taco Bell. It was cheap and for my appetite at a normal restaurant just for me it would cost me about 100 dollars; and I didn't have that kind of money. Whenever I took Nessie out I would get something small to share with her then after I took her home I would go somewhere cheap!

"Jake, you know I hate Taco Bell." Nessie quickly spoke.

"Then where do you wanna go?" I asked as we turned into the Denali's driveway.

"I wanna go hunting with the Tanya" She spoke softly.

She gave me the look and smiled sweetly. I couldn't resist.

"You can go with them and I'll go somewhere else."

I parked the car and looked over to Bella and smiled. Ness quickly got out of the car and ran into the house. I got out and walked over to Bella and gave her a hug.

"Bella?" I asked giving her the smile.

"Jake I know that you love Nessie but Edward still thinks you're going to do something that will hurt her." She spoke softly so Edward couldn't hear.

"Why on earth would I do something that will ever hurt her?" I started to shake.

Crap I hope I don't transform.

"Jake calm down. There is no need to start something." Bella's eyes looked calm.

I started to relax. I gave Bella a kiss on the forehead and walked up to the door.

I sensed someone was behind me I could feel their breath on my neck.


A/N... So how was it? I hope you guys liked it... please review, that's the only way I know i have viewers... thanks so much 

p.s the picture is of the Denali's house in Alaska 





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