Chapter 11: The way of a buissness man:

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(A.N. to warn you guys that this maybe a little cringy cuz I don't know about buissness or anything AHHHHHHHHH)

Feeling angry as well as irritated, Izuku went upstairs as he wanted to look over the documents that he needed to review for tommorows buissness trip.

He looked at the little box on the top of his desk as well as the files he needed. He looked at the file and saw the title of the product. "MDY Smart watch" scanning through every documents he saw the executive summary of the device.

'It must be the new technology father had been working on' he looked at the very detailed summary under the executive summary and saw the function.

But soon he then opened the box and saw the copy of the product. It looked simeple and neat. Nothing too extravigant. The color is simple black and it felt light and easy to carry on the wrist.

He opened it and saw the very modern design of the clock as well as the little botton that seems to cammouflage. He then pressed the botton and saw the home screen as well as the battery on top. The call icon that seems to be at least was pressed by Izuku and saw contact infos and stuff.

It's pretty good looking at this device as another communicating device that you carry around. The voice messanges is not hard to do as well as the calls he made as he was assisted by Akira.

He then saw a little hole on the side of the watch and then he feels like this was the greatest invention. He can put music on this thing.

Putting in notes as well as buissness strategies he went to sleep at 10:30


Finally waking up at 3 in the morning, Izuku felt cranky and irritated when he wokes up too early. But his father told him earlier last night that he needs to be rwady atleast by 4.

Immedietely going to bath as he heard the knock on his door he then pressed the botton on the shower to tell Akira by the other side to prepare breakfast.
Putting on the suit that was prepared earlier he then immedietely gone down stairs.

He was perfectly ready as he saw Satou already haft way finish eating breakfast.

'How is he this early?!' Izuku is still very irritated being rushed.

"Good morning father" Izuku greeted and immedietly ate. Soon Satou also greeted back as he then told Izuku that he needs to eat fast or they will be late.

Izuku then fast walk towards upstairs to the rooftop to see Akira already up there towards the entrance.

He saw Akira holding the documents he needed to review again.

He thanked him and saw the private plane there.

He goes in and muttered and muttered and muttered. It seems like Satou felt funny seing how serious his son is right now. 'It's my fault his angry.. isn't it' he thought to hinself.


Izuku had 5 hour to at least take a short nap as he finally reviewed all the documents.


Finally arriving at the destination.. Izuku immedietely headed towards the MDY building.

Izuku already knew and memorised the country America as he would often visit this country to meet various scientist that is interested in technology and science. Feeling like it had not been long since he had been here Izuku felt the nostalgic feeling of meeting those people. But this  was a slip of a mind as he immedietely tried to re-review the documents once again.

First time meeting people from the buissness world made Izuku feel a little nervous that he would somehow fail to succesfully offer the buissness that he was gonna promote to everyone. Although Satou said that this group will be small he knew they woulsn't be simple. Like who would be able to come close to a big giant like his father in the buissness world if that person isn't also big.

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