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Memories are not limited to games

They are far beyond

They bring back the same

Past, but refresh a bond.

Secrets which only you know

Don't deny that

Everybody has one though,

Which may dread or remain intact.

Pictures and paintings bring them back

But they are pure

If you relive them,

And experience that you lacked.

Miles is just a distance

Memories keep you along

No matter how far is your existence

You are still close to the ones you miss so long.

Memories can also make you visualize

That you think the most

Enough to love or traumatize

Enough to make alive the lost.

This mind storage is a treasure

Full of imagination

Or mere pleasure.

From day one to day end

You are surfing the sea of memories

Emptiness isn't what this chest tends

Either by sorrow or glories.

The truth

Even if you cut open the human brain

You will never find the pocket of them

Because treasures are never claimed.


A/N: Sorry long time no see. But I am a busy student and had taken a hiatus from writting.

Anyways, I hope you like my newest poem.

I think my readers are getting lesser and lesser. Please people do something to replenish them.

If it's my fault then please let me know. Let me know if my poems are getting boring and boring everyday. If that's so I will try to become better and better.

Thank you!



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