Valentine's day

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Tony Stark: He spared no expense. He took you to Spain, he also made a reservation at the best restaurant there and reserved the pool for just the two of you late that night at the hotel and he bombarded you with gifts.

Bruce Banner: Bruce is more of a simple guy so you two spent a night in he did get you a few expensive gifts and made a wonderful dinner and bought wine but the two of you spent most of the time either dancing to some music and then in the bed ;)

Bucky Barnes: Bucky is a very romantic guy when it comes to you so he wanted to be all romantic and plan a special dinner for the two of you on the roof of your apartment building it was sweet and you two had an excellent view of the night sky, the night was also filled with dancing mostly swing dancing since you both miss those days.

Pietro Maximoff: You had planned a special dinner for him before so he decided to do what you did, he asked your dad about some of your favorite foods and he cooked them, he dressed up for you and set the dining table with extreme care.

Loki Laufison/Odinson: He took you to Asgard with him, he wanted you to see where he grew up and meet his mother and father. After that meeting the two of you walked through the gardens which he had specially decorated and he planned a romantic little picnic in the most secluded area of the gardens for you two. He also got you quite a few gifts.

Thor Odinson: Thor has never celebrated Valentine's day so he wasn't exactly sure what to do, all he knew was that it's a day for couples to exchange gifts and tell the other how much they love them, so that's what he did. He got gifts for you and told you how much he loved you.

Natasha Romanoff: Nat was never big on Valentine's day until you two started dating then she was absolutely obsessed with it. She wanted it to be perfect for you because to her you are perfect and there is not a single thing she'd change about you. She planned a scavenger hunt of sorts and asked all of the avengers to help, she gave them all gifts and clues to give to you when you got to them. She also wrote a note and put it on her pillow so that when you woke up you could get started, and at the end of it there she was waiting on top of the Avengers tower with a fancy dinner.

Wanda Maximoff: She much like Thor never really celebrated Valentine's day so she asked Clint what to do and he told her do something special like take you out to a nice dinner or something like that and get you a gift or two but most importantly make sure that you know that she loves you.

Peter Parker: He was of course limited to what he could do for you but damn he made it special. He first gave you a few gifts throughout the day and told you how much he adored you. Then that night he took you swinging around town and found a very discreet place to stop and the two of you layed in one of his webs and looked at the night sky and made out a bit.

Clint Barton: He put arrows everywhere with gifts hanging from them and suprised you with breakfast in bed. He also suprised you with his kids being with their aunt Nat so the two of you could be alone. ;)

Nick Fury: Nick isn't super lovey dovey but that does not mean that he won't spoil you and get you what you want. He absolutely adores you and so he decided to show you to a wonderful night on the town. The night was full of dancing.

Steve Rogers: The two of you went to this really nice 50s place where you could dance and have a nice dinner. He also got you quite a few gifts mainly 50 style things.

Sam Wilson: Sam did something kinda cliche, he gave you a big box of chocolates and a few of your favorite flowers along with a silver  chain necklace with a kinda small falcon charm.

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