They find out you're a little

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(This chapter is for anyone reading this that is a little, or anyone who is curious about it, I am a little and I read a lot of x reader preferences and barely any of them have chapters for littles, if you are uncomfortable with the little lifestyle then just skip the little chapters, I don't need random people who know nothing about this lifestyle making fun of it or making other littles feel worse)

Tony Stark: You knew that you would have to tell Tony at some point, you also wanted to ask him to be your caregiver officially because you trusted him completely and knew that he would be a great caregiver. So one day you two were just hanging out and you thought it was the perfect time to tell him. You calmly asked him to sit down because you needed to tell him something. He got a bit scared hearing that you needed to tell him something and how serious you sounded but he still sat down and took this conversation very seriously. Once he sat down you sat down across from him and told him, and to your surprise he took it very well. You did have to explain it but you expected that. After you finished explaining you asked him if he would be your caregiver and he said yes.

Bruce Banner: You and Bruce didn't get a lot of alone time but when you did you spent it together getting to know each other so on the night of your two year anniversary you decided that you could tell him about being a little. You also knew that you could trust him. So you planned a nice dinner and sent him out to get wine. He agreed and quickly kissed you and then left. You started cooking and while you were cooking you started to practice what you were gonna say. When you finished cooking you started to set the table but you were still practicing what you were gonna say. "Ugh! I can't tell him this..." you sighed and sat down and put your head in your hands. "Can't tell who what dear?" You heard Bruce ask from behind you which made you look at him and start studdering. He stopped you and told you to breathe and then calmly tell him what was going on. Once you had calmed down a bit you told him. He didn't know what you were talking about so you did have to explain it to him but once you did he decided to do some more research on it then he completely understood it and offered to be your caregiver, he also asked what happened to make you have to do this.

Bucky Barnes: You had just gotten Bucky back. Your Bucky, he remembered everything and everything was going great but Bucky could tell you were hiding something from him. He wanted to know what was going on but whenever he tried bringing it up you would derail it and started talking about something else. Finally he figured you wouldn't tell him yourself so one day he waited till you were gone and he went through some of your stuff until he found a dolled up box which he hadn't seen before he sighed and opened it and found a bunch of baby stuff like pacifiers, sippy cups, and stuffed animals. He figured that this was some old stuff from when Mary was little so he didn't think much of it and closed the box putting it back away. Two weeks passed by and he still didn't know what you were hiding from him. He came home one morning from a run with your brother and went to take a shower but when he opened the door he saw you in a bubble bath sucking on a pacifier and little toys that a kid would use. He looked at you confused and you looked at him shocked and quickly took yourself out of littlespace. He closed the door and sat on th ledge of the tub and gestured for you to explain. Once you finished you looked down thinking he wouldn't want to be with you anymore. He thought for a moment and smiled softly and kissed your head and said "hey look at me." You looked up at him and he smiled more "I love you no matter what...also you could've told me this sooner." He said. You smiled and hugged him he smiled and hugged back. "Hey babydoll, want me to help you with your bath?" He asked smiling softly and you nodded. "Yes please." You slipped back into littlespace.

Pietro Maximoff: You knew Pietro would find out about sooner or later but you were scared of how he would react to it. You decided to be upfront with him. You took him out to the park and lead him around the lake. "Princessa, what's going on?" He finally stopped the two of you and asked. "What do you mean?" You tilted your head. "Something is wrong, I can've been so nervous and stand offish lately, you're not telling me something and I know it, so what is going on?" He asks and crosses his arms. You sighed and started explaining and when you finished you looked down and bit your lip. He smiled softly and kissed your head "Princessa..." He lifts your head to make him look at him. "It's ok. You don't need to hide stuff like this from me." He cuped your cheek and smiled more. "I absolutely love you." He said softly. You smiled and hugged him which made him hug back. "I love you too." You said.

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