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Twitter: @ LoveYouGoodbyex



take (someone) away illegally by force, typically to obtain a ransom.


c a m i l a

My aching feet continued to walk back home after school. It's about eleven miles from the school and the day grows darker, my muscles scorching with every movement. I could've had one of our maids pick me up , but I hated being a burden to them. They already suffered enough working in our dysfunctional home. Once I reached the extravagant white double doors, I fiddled in my backpack to find the key, then I jabbed the key in and pushed the door open.

"Anyone home?" I shouted at the walls it seems. No response.

This house may have been extremely large, in fact large enough to be considered a mansion, but the walls seemed to suffocate me. Or maybe it's my thoughts clouding me. I shook my head, dismissing the thought and turned on the TV in the living room. 

I pulled off my shoes and walked over to the kitchen, and put a popcorn bag in the microwave.

Trying to think of a way to pass two minutes and thirty seconds because of the popcorn, I dug in my back pocket and looked through Instagram. I rolled my eyes at the actual lengths people go to, to be noticed. I squinted at the screen, then getting annoyed I locked my phone.

I groaned at the thought of people caring so much about such meaningless illusions. I scoffed at myself, shaking my head, then I heard the microwave beep as I hit the shaft to open it. I winced at the hot contact the popcorn bag brought to the tips of my fingers, I pinched the hot bag between my fingers and held it out at arm length and ran over the couch laying lazily on it.

The day turned dark in a matter of minutes. The only light came from the television. I surfed through the channels with no interest. I've never been into series, like the Walking Dead, Arrow, Finding Carter or whatever else people talk about. 

Once I got bored of surfing channels, I settled on a random channel. A food channel, my mouth naturally salivated. I watched eating the popcorn, almost drifting to sleep when the channel buffered and heard a deep voice and loud shuffling in the background. My soft eyes opened and watched the television.

We interrupt your original programming to show you a high speed chase happening in Newport Beach.

High-speed pursuit appeared on the screen in bright red letters.

That's the city I'm in. My interest furthered as the television showed multiple police lights and huge spotlight the helicopter is using to follow the car.

The helicopter shot showed loud commotion and a man behind the camera talking blurrily telling some information, unreadable because of his voice being so frantic.

"Boo!" I felt someone shake my shoulders and yell into my ears causing me to shriek. There stood my mother, barely visible with the lights from the television, shining red and blue on my mom's stressed face, thanks to the police cars on the screen. I watch my mother's head fall back in laughter. I shoved her away in anger.

"You scared me!" I shouted looking back at the television.

"What's that?" My mother signaled to the TV and I felt the couch shift as she sat next to me.

"Shh! Listen and find out!" I swatted my hands at her, even though she probably couldn't see the hands because the lack of light.

If you are just tuning in, this chase has been going on for half an hour, our cameras just now getting the footage.

The person in the car, now identified as a white Caucasian male, in his early twenties, possibly. He doesn't seem to have anyone else in the car, but a police car tried to pull him over, for speeding, when the car wouldn't pull over. There seems to be no information as of why the driver is not pulling over, but we are curious to know why he isn't. The driver so far, will be charged with reckless driving, residing arrest, and endangering pedestrians.

The car is believed to be a black, dark blue, or grey pick up truck, the color uncertain because of the current lighting. The license plate is removed, also.

The LAPD are thinking that this citizen is resisting arrest because of possible gang involvement, and/or possible drugs in the vehicle. Please call in if you have any information.

"That's ridiculous!" Mother said after she realized the reporter wasn't going to continue talking.

"In our city, that's weird knowing how guarded the city is." I said with sleepy eyes.

"Yeah will I'm going to sleep." Mother yawned, dramatically stretching out her arms, "Night hon, turn off the TV when you're done." She kissed my forehead lightly.

"Goodnight." I mumbled, eyelids got heavier after a few minutes had passed, and I slowly drifted into unconsciousness, sleep was the only place I had to escape.

A few hours into my sleep, I felt a strong sort of like a stabbing sensation on my neck, the foreign feeling, unexplainable.

I struggled to open my eyes, wondering if they were open or not since the room was jet black due to the absence of morning.

I started to panic as I tried to move my hand, but I felt like I had no control of my body. As if I was disconnected to my body, I couldn't move my muscles. I sighed in defeat and tried to ignore the thing I had classified, hopefully, as a bad dream.


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which ever goal is reached first, until I update :)


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